Chapter Seven: Zelda

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“Did I just sense something more happening with you two,” Malon asks excitedly as she trots up to me. We walk back to the castle, me wanting to get away from Link for a while. I don’t know why, but when he's not around, I want to be near him and when I am near him, I want to get away from him so I can think straight once again. Why does this have to be so confusing? Why is Link, a servant in the castle, different than anyone else?

            “What are you talking about,” I ask my best friend, slowing my pace just a little to match hers.

            “Oh, come on, Zel,” she cries, her face lighting up in goofy smiles. “You obviously both feel the same way about each other!”

            “What do you mean?”

            Malon sighs heavily before explaining. “I know you like him; I can see it in the way you look at him out of the corner of your eye. I'm amazed that he doesn’t notice!”

            “Okay, I confess,” I say, brushing a strand of my golden hair out of my face. “Ever since I've gotten him to open up around me, I've been finding myself more and more attracted to him. But, what makes you say that he feels the same way about me?”

            “Oh, come on, Zel, open your eyes,” Malon cries. I look around us to make sure nobody heard her. “I can see it in the way he looks at you! He looks just like you, the way he sneaks a glance at you out of the corner of his eye. I'm amazed you don’t notice, of all people!”

            I stop walking and look at Malon, who walks forward a couple more paces before realizing that I stopped. She stops as well, brushing a strand of red hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. “What,” she asks, a confused look appearing on her face.

            “You really think he likes me,” I ask.

            Malon’s eyes grow wide with impatience. “Yes,” she cries as she continues forward, heading towards the castle. I follow her inside and climb the grand staircase, heading towards my room. Malon trails behind me, off in her own thoughts. I open my bedroom door, let Malon in, and close it behind her. I go to sit on my bed with Malon opposite me when I notice Impa sitting in a chair at the window.

            “There you are, Zelda,” the elderly woman says as she sees me. “I want to speak to you about something.”

            “And I think she wants to talk to you about something as well,” Malon says, smiling before I jab her in her rib cage. She winces a little, but the smile comes back just as quick.

            “What about,” Impa asks, smiling at the way I act. My face heats up and I'm pretty sure that I'm blushing. “Come on, spill it.”

            I say nothing, so Malon starts talking in my stead. “She has feelings for Link.”

            “Really,” Impa asks, an amused look on her face, “so Princess Zelda has her first crush.”

            “Oh, it’s more than a crush,” Malon says excitedly. “She loves him; I can see it in the way she looks at him out of the corner of her eyes.”

            “Now, this is exciting,” Impa says, pulling her chair away from the window and over to the bed, where Malon and I sit.

            “And Link feels the same way about her,” Malon says, giggling afterward.

            “And how do you know that,” I ask again, still not buying it.

            “May I ask the same question,” Impa asks Malon.

            Malon giggles a little more before continuing.     “I could see it in the way he would look at her out of the corner of his eye. It’s a miracle that neither of them noticed a thing. Maybe they were just too busy taking the other in. But it was the moment he pushed you out of the way of Epona that gave it away!” 

            “Who's Epona,” Impa asks.

            “The wild mare she brought in today in hopes that someone here could train her,” I replay.

            “But Link found a way to train her, using an Ocarina,” Malon adds, “it was beautiful. But anyway, when he shoved her to the ground to keep from being trampled by Epona, they lied there for a minute or two and just stared at each other, looking each other over. They didn’t get up until I interrupted them!”

            Impa laughs softly, delight and amusement written all over her face. “Well, it looks like we have a pair of young lovers on our hands. But, we’ll talk about that later. I want to speak with you about your birthday ball.”

            “Oh, that’s right,” I cry, suddenly remembering that my birthday is in two weeks, as is my birthday, “so, what about it?”

            “Your mother wants you to pick out a theme for the ball,” Impa says, crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair.

            “Hmm . . .”

            “Oh,” Malon cries, squirming in her seat, “how about a seasoned theme?”

            “That’s a great idea, Malon,” I cry. “How about a winter theme, it’s my favorite season!”

            Malon squeals with delight. “Wonderful, I'm sure it will be a blast!”

            “I'm going to talk to my mother,” I announce, standing up and smoothing down my dress.

            “What about,” Impa asks, getting to her feet as well.

            I glance at Malon and give her a stern look before looking back at Impa. “About letting Link attend the ball.”

            Malon giggles and says, “I knew it!”

            “Alright,” Impa says as her eyes travel from the tip of my head to the tips of my toes. “But shouldn’t you change first; you know how your mother hates to see you looking messy.”

            I look down at myself and see the dirt scattered all over my lime green dress. “Oh,” I announce, “maybe I should change and brush my hair again.”

            “Yeah,” Impa agrees as she steps over to my closet and opens it, peering inside.

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