Chapter Thirteen: Ganondorf

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I watch as guest after guest leaves. I sure embarrassed Zelda with that act of love, and that’s what I was aiming for. What is more is that the people believed my act and thought it sweet. The king and queen thought it was sweet as well. As everyone starts to leave, I leave through the side door I watched Zelda leave through. I step out into the gardens and hide in the bushes as I see Zelda standing with that servant of hers and her redhead friend. I listen in for a few moments, curious as to what's going on.

            “Are you alright, Zel,” the boy asks, placing a hand on Zelda’s shoulder as she straightens up from leaning over a flowerbed.

            “Yeah, I'm fine,” Zelda replies, brushing her golden hair out of her face.

            “Did that jerk really just do that,” the redhead says, placing a hand over her mouth. How dare they call me a jerk! Do they know what I'm capable of?

            “Yes, he did,” Zelda replies, leaning into the boy and resting her head on his shoulder. Now I have all the proof I need. The boy responds by pulling her against his body and holding her as she calms down, calms down from what I did for her!

            “He's disgusting,” the boy says, resting his own head on Zelda’s. Zelda smiles while placing a hand on his chest.

            “I know,” she replies. “I just wish that he never came into my life. Maybe then I’ll actually like my life more than I do now.”

            “But think about it,” the redhead says. “If Ganondorf never entered your life, you two would never have met each other.”

            The boy laughs. “Yeah, then all I'd be worrying about is if the sword I'm working on is done or not.” He earns a laugh from both girls.

            “And I'd probably be at the ranch with Malon, wondering why I haven’t got a guy yet,” Zelda says, breaking away from the boy and laughing.

            “And I’ll be saying that a guy will be coming eventually, you just have to wait,” the redhead joins in.

            The group of three laughs, though I don’t even know what's funny. They're all making fun of me, acting like I'm not even here, watching them. Though, I'm actually not supposed to be here. They don’t know I'm here. I watch as they talk for a little longer before the redhead leaves, waving to the boy and Zelda as she walks out of the castle. Both of them wave after her before walking back to Zelda’s room. I follow, wanting my revenge, wanting to show that servant boy his place. I watch from around the corner as Zelda leans in and places a quick kiss on the boy’s lips before walking through her bedroom door. Yuk! I follow the boy as he walks back down to the hallway where his room is located. Its then that I come down on him, tired of watching Zelda give him love that should be for me.

            I grab him roughly from behind and shove him to the ground. He hits it hard, the loud thump ringing through the empty hallway. He turns around on the ground and looks up at me, his eyes wide. He says nothing and doesn’t even try to get up, he stares up at me with fear written in his eyes, and that’s what I'm going for.

            “How did you get out of that closet,” I ask, picking him up by the collar and shoving him against the wall.

            “Picked the lock,” he replies with a grunt of pain.

            “Listen, boy,” I say leaning in so my face is only an inch away from his. “It’s about time that you learned your place in this castle. You are a servant, nothing more. You think you have a chance with the princess? Well, she's going to discard you like a bag of trash once her wedding day comes.”

            “I don’t think so,” the boy says, interrupting me. His straw-colored hair falls over his face, covering his sky blue eyes. “She talked to me and I've learned to see how she feels just by her body language. She hates you! She hates you and everything about you! If anything, you're going to make her get rid of me, and we’ll both never forget you!”

            I'm angry now, outraged. I pull my hand back and let my anger out. The palm of my hand hits the boy’s face, throwing his head to the side and leaving a red handprint on his cheek. I smile in delight at what I've done and decide to let more of my anger out on him. Maybe, if I injure him enough, he’ll be hurt so bad that he won't get in my way until the wedding. I hit him in the stomach before tossing him to the ground. I watch as he clutches his stomach, gasping for air. I reach down to pick him up and throw him against the wall once again, but am met with a pain in my side. I look down and see blood pouring out from a cut in my side. I look at the boy and see him holding a bloody knife.

            “You think I can be killed,” I ask him, discarding the thought of the knife. “You think I can be hurt? Think again, I cannot die from an ordinary weapon!” My anger gets the best of me and I reel my arm back and punch him in the side, hearing his rib cage crack. I punch him again, this time in the head, and watch as his body goes limb. I leave him in the hallway, unconscious. Let him feel the pain. He deserves it, unlike me. He deserves to feel the pain and to think about where he lies in this mess.

            I march down the hall and out to the courtyard, where my carriage awaits. I look around for Estrella; she's supposed to drive the carriage. I look around some more and don’t see her anywhere.

            “Looking for me,” a voice says. I look behind me and see Estrella walk up, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

            “Yes,” I say, glaring at her. “I'm ready to leave.”

            “Really,” she asks. I catch a gleam in her eye I'm unused to.

            “Yes, let’s go,” I say, impatient.

            “Well,” she says, drawing her sword out of her sheath. “If you really want to leave, I’ll be happy to help you.”

            “What do you plan on doing with that,” I ask, feeling my belt, but finding that I didn’t strap a knife or sword to my belt before the ball.

            I can feel the dark power within her, coursing through her. I can feel her working on me with the power, though I don’t know what she wants. Or do I? Maybe she wants power, that sacred power there's only one of. She draws it out of me, and I try to resist. The only thing is that it almost seems like my piece of the Triforce wants to go to her. It’s almost like she's more powerful than me. What with that dark power and all, maybe she is. I can feel the anger coursing through me. How dare she defy me! How dare she take what is mine, after she served me and everything! She claims the Triforce of Power and turns the sword on me.

            “Now that the power is mine, I think a sword can kill you. The Sacred Power will eventually be mine,” she says as she draws her arm back before shoving the knife in my chest. But she should know. I will be back!

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