Chapter Twenty-nine: Zelda

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The monkey is swinging around the branches, refusing to let me or Malon hit him with one of our arrows. He jumps from tree to tree, smacking his red butt and waiting for us to shoot, only to move out of the way at the last second. I'm starting to tire of trying to kill the obnoxious monkey, and by the way Malon wearily pulls the arrow back in the string, I can tell she is as well. I'm about to give up when I hear the galloping of hooves against the ground. Malon hears it too, as she looks away from the monkey and looks back the way we came to the spring. Thunder and Emerald begin neighing, obviously smelling another horse in the area. I take another shot at the stupid monkey only to have him jump out of the way once more and have my arrow hit the branch he was sitting on. The monkey now makes noises and smacks his butt from where he sits on another branch. I sigh and now look towards the exit of the woods, where I can see the shape of a horse and a figure sitting atop it. As the pair nears the spring, I can start to make out the hat the figure wears on his head: a long hat that flows behind him in the wind. Link!!

            “Link,” I shout, making Malon and the monkey jump.

            “Zelda,” I can hear him shout back, “Malon!”

            “Link, you're alive,” Malon cries as Link finally nears us and pulls to a stop on top of Epona.

            “Yeah,” he replies as he gazes at both of us. “I guess I am.” I now notice the bandage that wraps up Link’s arm and the way he winces a little as he adjusts the Master Sword’s sheath on his back.

            “Are you alright,” I ask as he slides off Epona and takes out his bow and arrows.

            “Yeah,” he replies, smiling to reassure me. “Now, what are we doing?”

            “Trying to kill that monkey,” Malon says, pointing up to where the monkey now sits, his guard down.

            “Okay,” Link simply replies as he pulls an arrow back and shoots the monkey in the butt he smacks all the time.

            “Good shot,” I say as the monkey disappears and I rush forward and finally give Link the hug I’ve wanted to give him for some time. He hugs me back and I lean into his warmth, what I've wanted to feel since he didn’t follow me to Malon’s. I push myself away just far enough so our lips can meet once again. I feel the way his lips move against mine, the way they feel so . . . perfect. We finally break apart and I pull him towards the spring. Once all three of us crowd around the spring, it takes a minute, but the light spirit soon shows itself and takes the form of the monkey we just killed, though shining with a golden light.

            Oh, Chosen Ones, it begins, I am Faron, light spirit of Faron Woods. The evil that was holding me is now destroyed, thanks to both of you. Princess of Wisdom, you have worked hard to revive all of us, and for that, we thank you. As a token of our thanks, we bestow upon you the weapon to banish darkness. A ball of light takes form in front of me and I catch it with my hands. The light forms into a golden bow with the symbol of the Triforce etched on it and golden arrows with sharp tips. These, Faron says, are the Light Arrows. Just as the Master Sword is the weapon made by the gods to banish evil, the Light Arrows are made by us light spirits and penetrate all darkness. Only by using these two weapons will you be able to defeat the Shadow Child.

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