Chapter Fifteen: Link

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I sit straight up in bed as a knock sounds at my bedroom door. I rub my throbbing head, still bleeding slightly but not nearly as much as before Impa helped me. I look down at my bruised chest where my broken rib lies. I moan a little from the pain as I slip out of bed and walk over to the door. Upon opening it, I see Zelda, wearing a simple blue dress that reaches her knees and brown boots like mine with her golden hair pulled back in a braid. As soon as I open the door, she shoves her way in before closing it behind her.

            “Get a shirt and shoes on,” she says, not giving me any explanation. “And get any weapons you have.”

            “Zelda, what,” I say, stopping form the pain in my chest.

            “You know what the Triforce is, right,” she asks, dropping her voice to a whisper.

            “Yeah,” I say, sitting down on the bed to pull on my boots.

            “Well, it turns out that Ganondorf was the bearer of the Triforce of Power,” she starts.

            “Wait, was,” I ask, noticing that she's using past tense.

            “Yes,” she replies, “Impa found him dead right after she helped you. But, she found out on the process that we are the holders of the other two pieces of the Triforce. I am the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom and you are the holder of the Triforce of Courage.”

            “But,” I say, interrupting her as I slip a green tunic on. “How does she know that?”

            “I don’t know,” Zelda says, pacing back and forth. “But she wouldn’t lie about this. And now, I know what we need to do.”

            “And what's that,” I ask, slipping the knife I got at Castle Town in its sheath and strapping it to my belt. I take the Hylian Shield I also bought that day and strap it to my back.

            “We need to run, to get away from here,” Zelda says, sitting down next to me and pulling my shirt up to reveal my bruise. “I’ll fix that just stay still.”

            I do and she places her hand on my chest. I wince in pain, but she closes her eyes and concentrates. I feel a sharp pain, and then . . . nothing. I look down and see that the bruise is gone as Zelda brings my tunic back down and takes her hand off my chest.

            “The Triforce of Wisdom can give the power to heal to its bearer,” I say, remembering what I read on the scroll from the library about the Triforce.

            “Yes,” Zelda agrees. “Now, there's something we have to get before we leave.”

            “Food,” I suggest as I follow her out into the hallway, “water.”

            “The Master Sword,” she says as I follow her to the first level. “We need it to stop whoever is after the Triforce.”

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