Chapter Thirty: Estrella

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I pace back and forth in the throne room of the castle. Well, I pace through the war zone of it. I drive my eyes away from the soldiers who are picking up Milo’s and Zara’s dead bodies and dispose of them. I look away from the giant hole Zara made in the wall when she first attacked me. Instead, I focus my eyes around the parts of the room that haven’t changed since the king and queen died like the curtains on the windows, the carpet on the floor, the three thrones at the end of the room, and the way the soldiers stand guard around the room, not noticing the change in their king and queen. I've gotten the explanation into their stupid heads: that the king and queen are both very ill and their daughter has ran away to escape the responsibilities of being a ruler and that I'm the one they appointed to rule the kingdom until they recover. But many of the servants and castle guards are starting to question it. They’re starting to question my rule and whether I'm telling the truth or not. How dare they?! They're nothing but a bunch of idiots who bought the lie and only now, after their rulers are dead and the princess is nowhere to be found, are they starting to question me, after it’s already too late to do so. But the princess and the hero are my number one priority now. I must find them and claim the Triforce as my own before the goddesses can even blink an eye. I still have yet to figure out who let the hero go and punish them, but there is that mysterious absence of the princess’s caretaker. Impa was her name? Yeah, that was it. I already assume that it was she that let the hero at and because she knew she was going to get caught and punished, she ran away to save her skin. Well, at least someone in this pathetic castle has some sense. No one else seems to have caught on that something isn't right, and I want to keep it that way. I use my magic to mend the hole in the wall to pass the time and appoint some guards to go out and search for both, the hero and the princess. Maybe something good will come out of that. Probably not, but it’s worth trying. I need to harness the power of the Triforce and find the other two pieces. Only then can I have my wish of taking control over all of Hyrule and have everyone under my command. Only then will I be happy.

            “My lady,” a voice says. I turn around and see a Hyrule Castle Guard standing in the doorway. I motion for him to continue and he does.

            “There are two people here to see you,” he says. My heart skips a beat. Maybe this is it; maybe they came here to the castle on their own to challenge me. Well, they aren't going to get far. Ill squash the magic out of them like you squash a bug beneath your shoes. They won't live long in my hands.

            “Did they tell you their names,” I ask, hoping upon hope. I brush my hair back and pull it back into a ponytail so it stays out of my face.

            “Yes, as a matter of fact, one of them did,” the guard answers, shifting his feet uncomfortably. “The boy says his name is DL, whatever that stands for.”

            DL, the name sounds familiar. Wait, wasn’t that the name of the boy who saved me in Death Mountain from the messenger? It must be; what else could it be? That means that the boy who saved me has come here and wants me to repay my debt to him! I wonder what he’ll have me do.

            “Bring them in, and then leave us alone,” I say, glaring at the guard as I say it. The guard nods and leaves the room, but not before I can catch how scared of me he is. That’s what I like. I rule out of fear.

            A few minutes later, I see a boy walk in with a girl at his side. His hair a dark brown, as is his eyes, and his tunic, pants, and boots, are black. The Master Sword replica is sheathed and strapped to his back and a black cloth covers everything but his eyes. This is DL, the same as when I met him. The girl beside him has golden hair that falls down her back in a braid. Her red eyes shine out and every other part of her face is covered with a white cloth, just like DL. She wears a purple tunic and black pants as well as purple boots. On her back is a quiver of arrows and in her hand is a golden bow. In fact, now that I look at the arrows, I see that all of them are golden as well. I watch as they approach, neither bowing to me like so many other people do. That irks me a little, though I don’t say anything as they stop a few feet from me. I wait for one of them to speak first.

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