Chapter Twenty: Milo

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I watched from the rooftop as a girl wearing a simple blue dress with brown boots ran towards the boy with straw-colored hair wearing a green tunic, a long green hat, and brown boots wielding a sword that looked suspiciously like the legendary Master Sword. I watched the boy talk to a blue figure and watched in awe as the figure absorbed into the sword the boy was holding. I flipped my snow white hair out of my eyes and got to my feet, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until I could hear the girl cry out the boy’s name.

            “Link,” she ran up to him and launched herself into his arms. Link: the name sounded familiar. Have I heard it before? I watched as the two embraced and shared a kiss: talk about eww! But I remained where I was because I wanted to get a better look at the girl. If the boy’s name sounded familiar, then surly the girl is worth sticking around for. I saw both of them turn around and instantly knew the girl, or, thought I did. The girl looks just like Princess Zelda! The shape of the face, the color of the eyes, the flow and color of the hair, the sound of her voice sounded just like the princess! What was she doing here? But one thing was certain in my mind: these two were worth abandoning my post for.

            Now I stray far in the shadows in the darkness of the night. I can see the light of the fire torches carried by the girl and the boy, but I know I need to get closer to them. I watch from a distance as they set up a stationary fire on the ground and sit down beside each other on the grassy hillside. The fire illuminates their faces as I crawl around the edge of the firelight and climb a tree right behind them. I'm as silent as a mouse, my footsteps never uttering a sound. I perch in the tree above them and listen to their conversation, hoping to gain some valuable information as to who they really are.

            “So first Volvagia and then a group of Moblins,” the girl complains, throwing her hands in the air. “What's going to be next, Ganondorf’s phantom?”

            Now I know I have the right people. Volvagia was sent by Estrella, my partner. The two people I am trailing are Link, the supposed ‘hero’ and Princess Zelda. These are the two people I'm looking for and Estrella will be pleased to hear that I know where they are. So, now I have to listen in and see if they have any plans as to where they are going now.

            “Don’t worry about it,” Link replies, taking his pack off and rummaging around in it. “I can handle anything if it tries to hurt us.”

            “Yeah,” Zelda replies in a mocking tone. “Eventually all this confidence is going to bite you in the butt.”

            “But it hasn’t yet,” Link replies with a laugh.

            Zelda laughs along with him. “Yet,” she repeats.

            They go silent for some, sharing scraps of food and a water bottle. “So,” Link is the first to break the silence, “where to next?”

            “I don’t know,” Zelda replies, leaning into him. “But I do know what we promised Malon.”

            “We do have to live up to that promise, don’t we,” Link says, throwing his arm around Zelda’s shoulder. “Well, how about we live up to that promise?”

            “Okay,” Zelda replies, “to Lon Lon Ranch we go!”

            She throws her arm in the air and giggles, Link soon joining her, but I don’t pay them anymore attention. They are going to the ranch tomorrow. Perfect! I tree hop a couple trees before hitting the ground again. Flinging my hair out of my eyes, I start running towards Kakariko Village, where Estrella said to meet up. I run free, feeling the wind in my hair and feeling my heart pound as I push myself to run faster. Almost out of breath by the time I reach the entrance to Kakariko, I lean forward on my knees and catch it. Estrella stands in front of me, her dark hair and clothing almost blending her into the darkness of the night.

            “So, Milo,” Estrella says, her eyes surveying me. “What have you found out?”

            “The ones you are following,” I huff, “are they Link and Zelda?”

            “Yes,” Estrella answers hesitantly, “why are you asking me this? I though your job was to see the Moblin attack and make sure it succeeded.”

            “Well,” I say, straightening and looking at Estrella defensively, crossing my arms in the process. “The attack failed, but . . .” I catch the look on Estrella’s face and put emphasis on the ‘but’. “But, I did find Link and Zelda there at the village. I followed them and they're camping in Hyrule Field right now.”

            “How does that help me,” Estrella cries, her voice ringing out through the quiet night. “By the time we get there, they’ll be gone!”

            “But that isn't even the best part,” I say, getting Estrella’s attention.

            “Go on,” she says, displaying her interest.

            “I overheard them talking,” I start. “And their next destination is Lon Lon Ranch in the middle of Hyrule Field!”

            “I know where the ranch is,” Estrella cries, but I know she's shaking with excitement. I watch as she starts pacing around the tree we stand under. “This is brilliant,” she cries after a while. “I’ll attack them on the way there and they won't stand a chance!”

            “Actually,” I say, hating to ruin Estrella’s bubble. “Link, the boy, he single handily defeated all the Moblins, I watched him do it.”

            “All the more reason to prepare and do it as soon as we meet them on the road, long before they reach the ranch,” Estrella cries, her excitement going unbroken.

            “So,” I say, “how are we going to do this?”

            “Well,” Estrella says, resuming her pacing. “We capture one and the other will be so desperate to rescue the other that they’ll fall right into our grasp! Which one do you suppose we get?”

            “Whichever we can,” I reply, wanting to take part in this.

            “It can be just the two of us,” I hear her mumbling to herself. “But, Milo,” she continues in a louder voice. “But, Milo, we will use our Shadow Magic to the best of our abilities and they won't stand a chance because they have no idea how powerful they really are!” She breaks off into a fit of mad laughter, and I can't help but join in.

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