Chapter 9

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The bell rings indicating that its lunch time and I head fast to the cafeteria with my bag. I settle for a slice of pizza and an orange juice since I am in no mood of eating.

Surprised, I know!

I cant believe I got my first detention all because of that asshole, Jason. I would have done something about it but gushing my bottle of water on him satisfied me but not satisfied fully. If my mam finds out about my detention and how I got it, it won't turn out well.

"Hey guyyys" I drawl out only to find myself shocked and disgusted at the scene unveiling in front of me.

Melisa and Cole are sucking each other's faces without a care in the world who will get them. This is even more gross than Carol and her new boyfriend. No offense.

"Euu Euu! why don't you freakin get a room?" They stop their session and look at me with embarrassment clear on their faces.

"Sorry" Melisa says with a flushed face. I am getting very uncomfortable here. Where the hell are these guys. I swear if they don't come in the next minute, ill.....

"Hey" Amy settles close to me with a tray in her hands but her gaze is focused on Melisa and Cole with a disgusted face. I probably think she is disgusted by their relationship. In my honest opinion, I am not disgusted at all. I am just shocked at how quick this relationship started. I mean, I have watched movies where there is love at first sight but I never thought it would be real. but I smell a fish somewhere in this relationship. I feel like i've skipped an entire episode in my life and i've woken up right now and Boom! we are now here.

A mixture of 'hi' and 'hello' cut me off from my thoughts. Patricia and Carol settle at the table with their trays. they also stare at Melisa with a 'why is that guy on our table' look though not in a bad way but with smiles forced on their faces.

We all stare at Melisa waiting for us to answer the questions etched on our faces. She sighs and stares at Cole with an emotion I cannot quite decipher.....adoration. Of course it is adoration, this girl has had a crush on him in like forever.

" So my dearest friends," Melisa drawls out, "This is my boyfriend, Cole and Cole as I had introduced before, these are my best friends, Amelia, Noreen, Patricia and Carol" She says while pointing at each of us who have blank faces except Amelia with a disgusted one.

Melisa seems to notice our expressions and whispers something to Cole's ear who just smiles and kisses her on the lips before saying, "See you later, babe" Melisa just smiles and says, "Bye" Once he has left, she sighs dreamingly like a lost puppy in love. "Isn't he the best?" 

I look towards his table and find that all of the four boys were staring intently at our table. Well that's weird and creepy.

"Guys, I would appreciate if you support me in this relationship not give me weird looks when i'm with my boyfriend please" Melisa stares at us emotionless as she picks a fry from her plate.

"What!" Amelia half shouts which startles me. "You cant be serious" Carol says followed by Pat who tries to lighten the mood by saying, "Is this a prank orr...?" but fails miserably.

"I don't get it... what are you guys trying to mean?" Melisa states completely oblivious to what we, well the others, are trying to mean. I'm just lost here.

Carol sighs, "When, How and Why?"

"One day ago, we met at Starbucks when I was picking up my morning coffee, I like him a lot and he likes me too." She says nonchalantly.

"You met a guy at Starbucks, started dating that same day in what!! an hour" Patricia says slowly trying to drown in the information at hand.

"Yes and FYI, this guy has been my crush for a long time now." Melisa says. No shit Sherlock! Of course we all know that..

"Umm... guys, don't you smell fish somewhere around here?" I ask.

"Are you serious, we are talking about something serious and you bring fish?" Patricia looks at me with a mixture of amusement and confusion.

"No, not that fish as in like isn't this a trap? " I emphasize staring at each of them, " I mean I have been pranking Ryder but after the last prank of his, nothing has happened then out of nowhere, one of his friends start dating one of us and that is Melisa" I finish my rant.

I mean what if this is a set up and they want to hurt one of my friends emotonally and mentally. Or like they want to dig my best friend for information and then use it to ruin me.

"Not everything revolves around you sweetheart, no offense" Melisa states, "But Cole clearly likes me and I can see it in his eyes.

"So you are the love doctor now?" Carol asks.

Melisa just nods with a shrug.

"You cant be serious! This is how you jump off to, after Marco. Let me hope you remember what happened." Amelia spits, deciding to break her silence and Melisa falls silent and I see tears in her eyes. I widen my eyes at Amelia's outburst, i've never seen her like this.

Now this has got me to question. Who is Marco and what happened between them?

"You shouldn't have brought back that topic again" Melisa says in a breaking voice then gets her bag and heads out of the cafeteria with tears rolling down her eyes. From the corner of my eye,i see Cole running after her.

Amelia sighs and brings her hands to her face muttering an 'Oh shit' under her breath. the whole table goes silent as though it is not awkward for them but it is for me though since I know nothing of what is going on and they seem deep in thought as if recalling what happened.

"Not to break the silence, but what the hell happened?" I ask because curiosity is in me and since curiosity killed the cat, I don't want it to kill me too so I gotta ask.

"Melisa just ran out of the cafeteria." Patricia states.

"No shit Sherlock I see that, I mean what happened between that Marco guy and Melisa?"

Carol looks at where Melisa took off and turns sadly to start the story.

"So we were all Sophomores ..... "


Sorry for the cliffhanger. I haven't updated in a while but I promise to update everyday.

thank you so much to LyssahTraicey and xera_ma for encouraging me to continue this book.

thanks a lot.

Don't forget to vote and comment. love you all.

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