Chapter 42

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We entered the fair gates, and Jason dragged us all to the face painting section with kids. Daniel, Lucy, Carol, Blake, Pat, and Cornelius managed to escape this torture. None of us wanted to, but he had this cute puppy dog face that we couldn't resist.

Gosh! I'm turning soft.

"This is so embarrassing for my life and for my soul." Amelia says while taking a seat, to be face painted.

"Did you just quote Kourtney Kardashian?" Theo asks.

"I don't care if I did or not, this is still so embarassing." Amelia says.

"Come on guys, you will all look cute." Jason says, earning an eye roll from Amelia.

"Look good, my ass!" Amelia says.

"How come you didn't escape?" I ask Ryder, who is next to me.

"Princess, you don't love my company?" Ryder fake gasps dramatically.

"Oh no no, you got me wrong. I quite love being around you very much." I say dramatically in a British accent.

"That's quite impressive." Theo says.

"Why thank you very much, handsome-"

"Okay, that's enough dramatic voices for a day." Ryder says, cutting me off. I roll my eyes at his jealous behavior.

"She also knows I'm handsome. She is so adorable and quite hot too, I'd love to ba-"

"Shut up, you mother-" Ryder cuts Theo, snapping, and I also stop him from completing that sentence since we are in a carnival with little kids.

"Okay, you two. How about we have fun on this beautiful day." I say, not wanting to start a scene. It would freak out the little kids. They would probably ban us from ever coming back here.

We all got different face paintings. Aiden painted his face a dinosaur, Cole, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, Melisa, a Hello Kitty doll, Amelia, a cat face, Ryder, spiderman, and Theo wanted a face like for Theo, from Avengers, and it didn't look quite right on him. I got myself a sunset paradise painting on my face. Jason got a face like for Pennywise, the clown.

After the face painting, Ryder dragged me out of the Face painting parlor and took me to the balloon pop tent. He said, I quote, "Today, we have to live like children and have fun." Which we are about to do.

"How come you keep winning?" I whine while trying to throw the darts at the balloons. Ryder has been popping the balloons and winning different prizes, esp. stuffed animals.

"I said live like a child not a grumpy old man." He says with a smile.

"I give up!" I say while throwing the dart aimlessly. It hits a balloon, and the balloon pops.

"Congratulations miss. You win a giant stuffed panda." The guy says, shocked that I made it. He had also seen my many attempts and probably gave up on me. I don't blame him, though.

"Yes, I actually did it." I say excitedly and jump into Ryder's arms, hugging him. He tenses when I hug him and quickly recovers.

"You used black magic, obviously. And why did you have to win big stuffed animals?" Ryder complains. He had won many cats, cows, and pigs as stuffed animals.

I guess it was luck.

"So where to next?" I ask while holding onto my panda. "But before that-"

"You're hungry?" Ryder asks, cutting me off with a smile

"Actually no. I need to use the bathroom." I lie. How did he even know? The guy knows me too well.

"There's a candy shop around there." Ryder says, ignoring my lie and pointing to the shop next to the Ferris wheel gates.


"Let's go then." Ryder says, not wanting to hear my failed lie. He grabs hold of my wrist and leads me to the shop. God, I'm craving for cotton candy. Haven't had one in ages.

"Two cotton candys please." Ryder says to the lady. He turns to me and smirks. How did he know?

"Are you Edward Cullen?" I ask while staring at him suspiciously.

"Princess, I know you too well." He smirks as he hands the lady the money and picks the cotton candy giving one to me.

"Oh please, aren't you the one always stalking me on social media?" I say while eating my cotton candy.

"I'd rather stalk Trump." He says while walking towards the Ferris wheel.

"Ouch. That hurts buddy." While holding onto my heart, I say, faking mock hurt, and he turns to my side and smirks.


"Guys, this has to be a joke." I say while looking around the place for any clue.

"This must be a prank from one of my archnemesises." Theo says, "Or the girls I bang and ignore the next day."

"TMI Dude." Lucy says while scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Why does this have to happen now?" Amelia says.

"The gods are not happy of the dirty stuff you've all been doing in the cabin." Jason says while pointing at all of us.

"This is real messed up shit." Cornelius says.

So you must all be wondering what happened; after an incredible three hours at the fair, we had to come back home and head for the road. But apparently, someone didn't want us to head home, so they stole all the cars in and out of the cabin, and to make the situation worse, Jason's van ran out of gas when we arrived. And the next gas station is like a mile away.

This is sad. We are in the middle of a jungle in a cabin, no self phone service and slow wifi with no way of getting back home.

"Guys, the only thing we have to do now is split up and look for someone to help us. I've got some walkie talkies that could help." Cornelius says.

"Wait, what if one of the groups is attacked by an animal?" Melisa ask.

"Then they rest in peace." Theo shrugs, and the girls gasp.


"He's joking. This place has no animals that we know of but they could be there. They are probably preparing for hibernation." Aiden says.

"We shall be moving in two pairs like how we did at the hiking. Please carry wattle bottles and do not carry honey." Cornelius instructs.

"Why would anyone carry honey?" I ask while heading to the cabin to change into a better outfit.

"Good luck everyone and stay close to each other." Aiden says while following Theo as they head to the woods with their walkie talkies and bottles.


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