Chapter 33

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I hear the loud beeping of my alarm clock as i begin to gain my consciousness. I move to shut it off and fall out of my bed and slam down on the cold, hard floor.

So much for a snooze......

I slowly pick myself back up and turn off the disturbing noise after almost letting myself throw it out the window.

I hate being woken up from a peaceful night.

I wash my face and pull my hair into a pony tail. I dress up in a tight, dark grey turtle neck with distressed, high waisted jeans, paired with my converse.

I grab my phone from off my night table and make my way downstairs. I take out my favorite cereal that i'm trying to hide from Mirabelle. I pour myself a bowl amd hide the rest on top of the freezer, i don't think she goes up there, right?

I hope into my car and start to drive to hell. I arrive at school and start my way to the front doors. I spot Amelia and speed up to catch up to her. She notices me and embraces me in a side hug.

"Hey!" She says.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"Not much. What about you?" Amelia responds.

"You know, the usual, me hating school." I shrug.

"Been there." Amelia says as we both walk to our first period.

"Nora!!" A familiar voice yells, startling me but i quickly compose myself.

I turn around and meet a very cheery Jason and running up to catch up with me.

"Hey" i say with a bright smile

"Hi. So you and your friends are sitting with us at lunch." He says like some wedding planner leaving no room for discussion.

"Umm..... no." I simply say as we head to the cafeteria.

"Fine then! We shall come and seat at your table." He says while shrugging.

"You wouldn't dare!" I say.

"Try me." He smirks and quickly walks to the cafeteria.

He wouldnt do it. I mean Jason and his friends are the most popular boys in our school, not too sound clichè but sitting with us would ruin their reputation.

But as far as i have known Jason, i dont think he would give a damn about that shit.

I take a seat at our table and greet the girls who respond back. Jason sure kept his promise because him and his friends come and take a seat next to us. 

Except Ryder.

The whole cafeteria goes silent as they witness what has happened. My friends and i are shocked. I mean i didnt expect him to keep up to what he said. I mean i thought about it but i didnt think it would actually happen.

"So how's everyone today?" Jason is first to say from beside me. Cole is next to Melisa and Daniel in the middle of the boys.

"I'm sorry but are you guys on the right table?" Carol asks.

"Yeah we are." Daniel replies with a smile while taking a bite off his apple.

I look around the boys and Ryder is missing. Where would he be?
Jason notices my mood and how i seem to be lost.

"He's out for a basketball away game. He will not be back for a couple days." Jason says with a sad smile and my heart sinks.

I know Ryder is always a jerk but him being not here just made a weird feeling in my heart. Like i'm empty.

"Anyway, why are you guys here again?" I smile trying to hide my disappointment

"We are here to bond before the hiking trip so today after school, we are meeting at Cole's place for movie night." Daniel says and Jason claps his hands in excitement.

"That's cool." Pat says the same time Amelia says, "is it really necessary?"

"Yes of course it is, You are gonna have so much fun." Jason says.

"Yay, i cant wait!" Amelia says sarcadtically rolling her eyes.

"Is she on her period or is she always like this?" Jason whispers into my ear,

"I heard that, dick face." Amelia scowls.

"Just asking, calm down woman!" Jason says while raising his hands in the air making us to laugh at him.

Cole and Melisa are not speaking to each other and are seating in an uncomfortable silence. Actually none of them has yet said anything since we all got here.

I keep staring at them, Melisa then looks up and meets Cole's eyes. They look at each other with sad eyes and then Melisa gets up.

"I'm sorry guys but i need to go." Melisa says and leaves the table.

"Excuse me." Cole says after Melisa leaves, and heads out of the cafeteria.

Okay! That's weird. Something is definetely wrong or missing between these two. I gotta find out.

"Something is up!" I say to myself while staring at where they headed off to.

"Oh! You mean those two! There is alot of chemistry going on ever sinve they broke up!" Jason says while taking a sip from his juice box.

"Its always very awkward between them especially when they cross paths." Daniel adds.

"And we need to work on that." I say.

"I have an idea but it will be worked on once we are on the hiking trip." Carol says.

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Love y'all
Stay safe

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