Chapter 30

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"Okay Nora, what the hell is wrong with you? You didnt even make a snarky remark when i insulted your taste in fashion." Carol says worriedly looking at me.

"Yeah, and you've been so lost in your thoughts." Pat says.

"Not to mention your bloodshot eyes." Melisa calls out.

"And your loss in appetite today." Amelia says while staring at my untouched food on my plate.

"My cat died." I lie.

"You hate cats and dogs." Melisa says after noticing my lie.

"Dont you fuckin' lie to us, we are your best friends and we deserve to know." Amelia says.

"I had a nightmare about Seth and i think it all happened after i had a confused mind when Ryder kissed me yesterday and i feel like dead Seth will never let me move on." I say while pulling at the roots of my hair feeling frustrated.

"It's not your fault," Pat says. "Ryder kissed you!" Melisa says earning a slap on the head from Amelia.

"Ooww." Melisa cries out while glaring at her attacker, Amelia.

"Now's not the time." Amelia scolds Melisa.

"Look here Nora, A broken heart can only be healed when you truly decide to move forward and look elsewhere. The easiest way to do this is to simply move beyond the dark thoughts." Melisa finally says while holding my hands.

 "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. Just forget all that happened in the past because you're letting your past come in the way with your present and your future." Amelia says.

"They are all right Nora, No matter how hard the past is, you should always begin again." Pat says. "Bad dreams are ghosts of our fears and worries, haunting us while we're asleep. Let go of all those. By the way, i booked a spa appointment for all of us today after school. To help you relax your nerves." Pat continues.

". You're all right, i should let go of the past but it is not going to be easy but ill try my best." I say while forcing a smile. I really look forward to a day at the spa, i need to let out all my stress.

"We shall be there for you through it all but you should never fuckin lie to us ever again." Amelia scowls at me.

"Sure." I say with a smile.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On my way to Chemistry, i feel my anxiety start to creep back up in my chest. I am making much of a deal over a freakin dream. I am being such a cry baby. I need to toughen up and stop acting like a little bitch.

All of the thoughts swirling in my head just made everything worse and i found myself in the empty bathroom gasping for air as i stared in the mirror and criticized how much of a drama queen i was being.

About ten minutes later, i finally manage to push my minor anxiety attack away, down to the depths of my heart where it would continue to lurk around my soul.

I am not very late for Chemistry which i share with Ryder, whom i'm constantly trying to avoid.

I enter class with the rest of the students and take a seat in the back of the class and rest my head on the desk. Seconds later, someone takes a seat next to me but i'm too lazy to look up.

"Why are you avoiding me?" A familiar deep masculine voice that i'm constantly trying to avoid says and i freeze in my spot.

I slowly look up at Ryder who has a confused and worried look in his eyes. I suddenly found myself engulfed in Ryder's gaze and i couldn't get out. The longer i stare into his deep blue eyes, the calmer i get.

Ryder had been such a jerk and an asshole to me, by right then and there, he felt like the only safe thing around me.

The only thing i wanted right now was to jump into his strong arms and stay there forever

I realised right then that Ryder was my drug that i was being more and more addicted to day by day which is freakin me out.

As i head out of the school main building, someone grabs my hand and spins me around.

"Jason?" I squint my eyes and my eyebrows. What could he possible want from me right now?

Speaking of Jason, he managed to supply a week's supply of skittles.

"Yeah, its me and whats wrong with you? Is it a bad hair day?" He asks with a worried expression.

" Yeah, it is. " i sigh.

"So i'm inviting you and your friends to come along for a hiking trip with my other friends this weekend just to relax. So what do ya say?" Jason asks with a hopeful look.

I guess one weekend to relax wont be that bad, it will definetly help calm my nerves.

"Sure, i'll inform them. Thanks." I smile at him and he embraces me in a huge tight hug. " Yes! " he exclaims happily.

"Can't breathe!" I choke out while slapping his back lightly and then harder.

"See ya later." He pulls away dismisses himself without an apology for almost killing me.

What a dick!

I head towards my car and another hand grabs my wrist and pulls me to his chest.

What's wrong with people today and pulling me by the wrist. By the smell of the cologne, i already know it's Ryder. He pulls me and i land on his chest.

What now?!

"You can't hide from me forever, you know?" He says.

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