Chapter 26

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The girls and I made quite an entrance. Everyone looked at us like we were the girls from the movie, 'Mean Girls.' It was really uncomfortable having all eyes on you but Melisa, Carol and Pat didn't mind at all and looked like they were used to all of this. Well as for Amelia, she was freakin' out.

This house is very huge almost like Amelia's house but a bit smaller. I found out it belongs to Daniel, one of Ryder's friends.

Carol immediately went to look for her boyfriend, Melisa dragged Amelia to get a drink. Pat went to dance. I was left alone. Melisa gave us all walkie talkies to go with in case one of us gets lost or kidnapped which is very unusual.

Weren't phones made for a reason?

I hate parties. They are always disgusting occasions full of sweaty hormonal teenagers getting wasted, making out and doing the dirty which is gross. Not forgetting the ear blasting music.

"Hey." Someone calls me from behind. I turn around to meet Jason holding a red cup probably containing beer. I first look behind me and to my sides to see if it's me he is talking to.

And yep! It's me. What now!

"Are you drunk?" I ask with suspicion etched in my voice. I mean why would he want to talk to me?

"No, I don't drink. And why would you ask that?" He says which takes me surprise. A bad boy who doesn't drink. Wow. Something you don't see every day. I still don't get why they are called bad boys. Is it like a nick name orr?

"Then what do you want?" I ask with a bored expression completely ignoring his question. I am really not in the mood for any bullshit now. If he wants me to get into detention again, well too bad for him, because we ain't in school right now.

"To be friends." Is all he says which again takes me by surprise. Is this some silly prank or?

"I'm sorry but I didn't quite get what you just said. Can you please repeat that?" I ask just in case I didn't hear well.

"To be friends, okay? Why is it so unbelievable?" He asks.

"It's absurd. It makes me think you are guiding me to fall in a trap." I say remembering Ryder's prank. When he all came asking if we could be friends then the next minute chalk dust is all over me.

"No, it's not a trap. And why can't two people become friends?" He asks. "Because it is not how people these days become friends." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Okay then enlighten me?" He says while taking a seat on the bar stool next to mine. Did I mention this house has a home bar?

"Why should I? I mean in order to become friends, both parties should come to an agreement." I say while looking for my friends, where are they?

"Are you saying you don't want to be friends with me?" Jason says while placing a hand in his chest to show mock hurt.

"Umm... yes. Not everybody likes you." I say with an obvious tone.

"Ouch!" He says. "Doesn't change the fact that you're still my friend even though I am not your friend." He says which earns him an eye roll from me.

"So, since you are now my friend, I would love to introduce you to my other friends." He says while putting an arm around my shoulder which I smack off.

"Please flow with this, I want to show you something. I'll give you anything you want." He says while putting back his arm around my shoulder.

Hmmm...... Anything he says?

"How about an everyday supply of skittles?" I ask. "Umm... sure. Isn't that a bit unhealthy?" He says.

"Not for me." I say happily, I'll be getting an everyday supply of skittles.

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