Chapter 29

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I was running but i wasn't moving. I was screaming loudly but no sound was coming out of my mouth.

I was running from a dark figure and that dark figure was Seth Jacobs.

He was holding a gun and a sharp knife. I could feel my heart beat pounding through my body.

He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me and threw me on a chair which hurt my back.

"Nora! Help me!" A familiar voice called.

"Allison! Where are you?" I yelled but no sound was coming out of my mouth, while trying to get up but i could not move any part of my body. Seth had tied my both my hands and feet with a rope.

Seth turned around and all i could see in his eyes was anger and hatred.

"Nora, please." Allison called out

"Its all your fault." Seth said as he pulled out his gun and shot Allison in the head.

I screamed but i still couldnt scream. I cried but i couldnt formulate the tears.

The only thing i could do was watch.

Seth then pulled out his knife and stabbed Allison in the stomach repeatedly. He then turned to look at me.

"Its all your fuckin' fault." He looked at me with his bloodshot eyes and crept up to me holding the knife pointing at me.

My screams started to ring through my head as i finally heard them. They became so loud that i closed my eyes and slowly began to feel somebody shaking me.

My eyes flashed open and i stopped my blood curling screams. I felt the sweat and tears soaking my clothes and my pillow. I saw my mother, father and brother next to me with mam hugging me and crying with me. Dad and Albert are looking at me with sad expressions.

"Shh, its okay. I got you honey. I got you." Mam whispers soothing words in my ear which calms me a little bit.

Its been a while since i had those bad nightmares and they are back now, its around this time, last year when it all happened but i shouldnt be getting these nightmares again according to what my therapist said.

After a couple minutes, my alarm goes off for school and my parents look at me tenderly.

"Do you want to skip today?" Dad asks.

"No, i'm fine." I say while wiping away my tears with my sweaty hands. Mam helped me get out of bed and wiped away some tears from my face while embracing me in another hug.

"I'm sorry to say this, sweetie." Dad says looking a bit more serious, "If this continues, i'll have to schedule some therapy appointments for you." He continues.

"I'm fine, she did say the nightmares would come once in a while." I say. Dad and mam give me a sympathetic look and then walk away.

"I'm sorry sis." Albert says while coming up to me and giving me a hug. "I know i can be a huge dick sometimes but i still love you because you are my annoying sis." Albert says and we both chuckle at that.

"Dont worry about me, i'm fine and yes, you always act like a dick to me." I say with a smile.

"Okay go take a shower because you stink." Albert says while scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Oh yeah? Says the guy who just hugged me and probably has sweat all over his body now." I say.

"Euu, now I'm gross like you." Albert says while exiting the room.

I was lost in my thoughts and quickly stepped in my shower while turning it on. The cold air hits my back and i cringe at the ice cold water that now covers my body.

I quickly turn the lever warmer. I let the water pour down my body and feel the rejuvinating sensation of the water pour down my face.

I slowly sink to the floor of my shower and bury my face in my knees and then cry. I close my eyes and rest my face on my knees until the darkness gives me anxiety.

I look back up and i am blinded by the sudden light. I continue to cry until mam knocks on my door,

"Nora sweetie, you'll be late for school. Hurry up!" Mam says.

I quickly get up and shut off the shower after a couple more minutes. The isolation and safeness of the shower fades away and i dry myself off.

I make my way to my dresser and threw on my comfiest under garments. I put on black leggings and any random red sweatshirt that i find in my closet.

Sulking into my bathroom, i braid my hair in a messy way and i lazily grab my phone off the night stand and walk downstairs for breakfast.

Mam had already put down some breakfast for me which included pancakes and some honey syrup with a glass of juice. I take small bites and immediately lose my appetite which is so unlike me.

My parents and Albert have probably already left. I grabbed my car keys and bag then walked out of the front door, the fresh morning air working as a remedy to my bloodshot, probably puffy eyes.

The car ride there seemed very short, because i wanted to be in my car for as long as possible.

I made it through the first half of the day school, earning very worried looks from Melisa and Amelia who share some of the same classes with me. I also earned a worried look from Ryder who i'm constantly avoiding.

By the time lunch came, everyone was very suspicious and i couldnt hide it from them forever but i had to because i didnt want to worry them.

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