Chapter 12

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"Girl!!!, have you heard of the new meal in school?" Melisa approaches me as i head to the school main entrance. Looks like her and Amelia worked things out.

"The cafeteria has introduced starbucks food?" I ask because if that is ever to be true, i would always be the first to line up. If only wishes were horses....

"No you damny, i mean the new hot guy. Who thinks of food at this time, did you even have breakfast?" Melisa asks while raising a brow and staring me with disbelief.

Who never thinks about food?

"Of course i did, and why would you describe a guy as a meal?" I ask switching to the topic at hand.

"You gotta see his pic." She opens up her phone and shows a pic of Dannon, of course leaning on his tesla model 3 with shades on. He is putting on a black shirt and pair of dark jeans. I hate to admit but he looks very hot, all showing the bad boy vibe

"Again, why do you have his pic in your phone?" I ask as i approach my locker to pick up my books for next period.

"Girl!!! That guy is a snack a really delicious one." Melisa says like she has had a taste of him. Has she? I don't think so.... But then again, it's Melisa we are talking about here

"You are insane! I mean he is not even that hot."

"Are you kidding me? He looks like a model from a Victoria Secret photoshoot." Melisa says and i furrow my eyebrows

"Wait aren't those models mainly women?" i ask. If

"Yeah, but men sometimes take part in those modeling stuff" she says in a 'duh' voice.

"Okayy" i shrug and take out my books out of my locker. I have Chemistry with Amelia next.

Out of nowhere, Melisa starts to scream and hitting my shoulder...oww.. like she saw Harry Styles walk in. I turn around and follow her gaze which leads to Dannon. I really wished it could be Harry because i would also join her crazy rant.

All the girls in the hallway swoon over him and he seems to notice and just walks in all his glory. I roll my eyes at him, arrogant jerk.. he catches my gaze and walks towards us with a smirk on his face.

"Hey babygirl" He throws me his famous charming smile that i once liked. Key word....once!

"What do you want?"

"I am hurt, not even a greeting" He says in a dramatic voice while placing a hand on his heart to show mock hurt.

I roll my eyes at his behaviour, "hi jerkface" i say sarcastically

"Geez woman, what crawled up your panties today?"

"Bye!" I turn and almost forgot Melisa was next to me, who is now staring with wide eyes, between Dannon and i. Her expression is the same i got from her the day i poured my pudding on Ryder's head.

Wait what?! Where did that come from?

"Melisa, this is Dannon. Dannon, Melisa" i introduce them.

"Hey, nice to meet you" Melisa awkwardly waves. Well, that's weird

"Pleasure is all mine" Dannon says and winks at her.

"Stop flirting with my friend, asshole" i hit his arm.

"I was not" he says while raising his hands in the air. The bell rings which means it's time to go to class. I dismiss myself not before Dannon grabs my wrist.

"Aren't you gonna show me around? I'm new and don't forget that you promised."

I sigh, "fine" i turn to Melisa, "see you later" she says bye not before whispering in my ear, "We have to talk about this"

"Let me see your schedule" i turn to Dannon as i adjust the strap on my bag. I feel a hint of deja vu as i ask this. The time Amelia asked me for my schedule on my first day

"Here" he hands me his schedule and i examine it.

"Huh?! That's weird"

"What is?"

"We have the exact same schedule. Have you been stalking me?" I ask while looking at him suspiciously.

"No, of course not. This means we shall become besties" He says while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. i shrug it off quickly so as to make this weird. i don't want people in the hallway thinking something else

"Oh yay" i mutter sarcastically as i hand him his schedule.

"So i'll have to follow you around all day as i get to know the school." He says while sounding like a five year old girl who has been promised a pony for her coming birthday.

To me, he sounds like some obsessed stalker..

"Oohh i cant wait." I say sarcastically.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." Dannon says and i flip him off

Chemistry was the worst. Dannon was really annoying and making jokes throughout the entire period. I was this close from pulling out the ends of my hair.. this close. This is how it went;

"Hey Nora!" Dannon taps me on the shoulder which irritates me because i hate when people do that,

"What do you want?" I whisper a bit too harshly.

"So Oxygen and Magnesium went out together and i was like OMg" Dannon attempts to make a joke which earns him a blank look from me.

"Do you know the elements Nitrogen, Erbium and Dysprosium? Thats what you are N Er Dy" i laugh at my own joke. Thats a good one.

Dannon dramatically sighs, "i try to make chemistry jokes but there is no reaction."

I burst out laughing and Dannon joins in. The whole class turns to stare at us. My laughter quickly dies down as i cough slightly.

"Mr Rivera and Ms. Summers, i see you have something funny to share with the rest of the class." Mr. Higgins calls us out.

Dannon and i go silent, "This is the last warning for you or else you will be laughing your way to detention."

I throw a glare in Dannon's direction who in turn just shrugs and turns to his book.
Its now lunch time, Dannon and i walking towards the cafeteria. As we enter the cafeteria, everyone stops and stares at us like Kim and Kanye just walked in. Some girls with envious looks. I choose to ignore all those looks since i don't really care.

"See you later." He whispers into my right ear in a not so good way. If i was in the cafeteria looking this side, it would not look like whispering at all..

Dannon walks to another table before i scold him, i guess with his new friends. He got a new friend during Physics class. I think his name is Derek and he's a jock. So i think that's where he's heading to.

"Hey guys" i settle at the table with my tray of food.

"We are waiting for explanations, young lady" Amelia says with a pointed look as the others are waiting for me to spill.

"What should i explain?" I shrug as i take a bite of my apple. They are making it sound like I'm a young child who has been caught stealing candy.

"She means, what's up with you and the new snack?" Carol muses and i roll my eyes at that. Why is everyone calling Dannon a snack? He is not that hot.

"First of all, he is not a snack and secondly. He is just a family friend, we used to go to the same school."

"Ryder is looking at you with the eye." Melisa nugdes me with her elbow. I turn to their table and Ryder is giving me the look as if i did something wrong. I haven't pranked him or anything and i'm actually waiting for his next move to murder me.

Well, i dont care!!!

"I dont care, honestly. If he is planning on pranking me then let him do so. I honestly dont give a damn."

"No, cant you see? He is jealous!" Carol says like she is the new love doctor and has decided to tell me the diagnosis.


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