Chapter 21

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"Guys get up, we have thirty minutes to get to school." Amelia says while removing our duvets and shaking us violently. She is really a morning person and i am not.

"Just two more minutes." Melisa murmurs with her voice laced in sleep.

"Oh, I know those tricks and they never work on me." Amelia says while walking up to Melisa and removing the duvet that she covered herself with again.

"Guys, I'm gonna bring cold water if you don't get up." She says while exiting the room probably to get the cold water.

That will probably ruin my morning so I get up, wash my face and brush my teeth. I apply a double French braid to my hair and dress up in a pair of leggings and a huge comfy and soft sweater. I head out of the washroom and head downstairs where the rest of the girls are. I take a moment to admire the beautiful art gallery on the walls. I walk to the living room and the girls are staring at me. Pat and Melisa with smirks across their faces and Carol with a goofy grin. Amelia is nowhere to be seen. Did I miss something here?

"Do I have something on my face? Did I braid my hair in a wrong way?" I ask while touching my face and hair which seem perfect to my hands.

I take a seat on the dinner table next to the girls, there is a lot of food on the dinner table; French toast, ice cream cake, grilled eggs, cappuccino, frosted flakes and sausages. They are all in big quantities,

"Guess who is here?" Pat squeals.

"Zayn Malik?" I ask with a lot of hope as i gasp. Yep Zayn is the first to come out of my head. I know he is a girlfriend, Gigi [I say her name with a lot of venom] in my head. That doesn't stop my tiny crush.

"Nope. Close to that." Carol says while chuckling.

I gasp even louder, "Harry Styles?" One direction members are the only ones on my head, I know they broke up but i would do anything to reunite the. Anything!

"Yes" Pat squeals. This is unbelievable! What would Harry Styles be doing here?  "You guys are joking." I say while serving myself some grilled eggs, toast and the ice cream cake.

"Look who we have here." Amelia says while walking into the dinner room. I look up and meet Ryder in the eyes. I cough violently at the shock. What the hell is he doing here? Why is here?

"Are you okay?" Ryder asks while walking up to me.

"Yeah, i am." I  try to compose myself and ask, "What are you doing here?" I snap

"I'm here to keep you up to go to school." He says this which makes Pat and Melisa to coo and I just ignore them while rolling my eyes.

I cough slightly, "Why?" I ask curiously with squinted eyebrows.

"Why not?" He asks again while smirking.

"I mean one of my friends can give me a ride." I say while looking at them.

"It's fine." Carol cuts in. "You can take her to school, we are totally fine with that."

These traitors! I glare at them and they all have goofy grins plastered on their faces. They are selling me to the devil.

"Cool. Now get up!" Ryder demands me as I glare at him and remain sited. I cross my arms in front of my chest with a pout.

"No. I'm still having my breakfast." I snap at him. No one comes in between me and food.

"Okay fine." Ryder says then pulls my chair. He bends down and carries me like the last time he carried me.

Why doesn't he have any manners? I mean why cant he for once act like a gentle man and carry me bridal style? Not that I want that, it would be so awkward.

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