Chapter 15

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"Albert!!!!" I yell from my bedroom.

"Yes please" Albert enters the room with an innocent face. Oh that fool! All putting up the innocent look yet there is a demon behind it.

"Bring my charger!!" I shoot him a glare.

"I can't because my phone is still charging." He shrugs like it's his charger.

"Wait! You had it the whole night so why wouldn't you charge your phone?" I ask with a raised brow.

"I had to charge my iPad first."

"Why couldn't you use your own charger?"

"It's not working, it doesn't charge my phones at all."

"That's not my problem and why didn't you ask mam and dad, or even buy your own?"

"Mam and dad are rarely home and I am too lazy to go and buy."

I sigh, "Please just bring here my charger."

"No" Did he just say no? On my own charger?

"I swear if you don't bring my charger now, I'll fuckin' kill you." I glare at him. If looks could kill, my threat wouldn't go to waste and i would be killed with weapons by my parents and that wouldn't be good.

"Geez woman! What's up with you? Is it the time of the month?" Albert says, raising up his hands in surrender. I deepen my glare at him and he quickly exits my room probably to get the charger.

The next three days are not gonna be good for me or anyone else in that matter.

Granny!! Get the hell out of traffic!!

I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I brush out my brown hair and braid two strands together in the back, leaving the rest of my hair hanging. As expected, i find my charger on my phone.

My outfit consisted of a pair of ripped, white wash mom jeans and a black crop top that has the words, 'I have no clue why I'm out of bed' I love this shirt because it describes my everyday mood.

I quickly eat some frosted flakes, grab my car keys and ignore Albert on my way who mutters something in the lines of 'mood swings'

I drive to school and park my car in my usual spot next to a tree next to Amelia and Carol's cars.

I walk into the school entrance and meet Dannon, "Hey babygirl"

"Hi jerkface" i respond with a polite smile which earns me an eye roll from him.

"Nice shirt!" He compliments

"Thanks" I mutter while giving him the fakest smile I can put up.

"Why weren't you at school yesterday?"

"What does that have to do with you?" I snap at him and his eyes widen at my response.

He raises his hands in the air, "Geez... Calm down, I was just asking."

"I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood today. And to answer your question, I wasn't feeling well." I reply with a deep sigh while rubbing my forehead. I don't know why he is till bothering to talk to me yet I'm not in the mood to be polite or nice.

"My sister arrived yesterday, if only you saw people's reactions when she arrived." Dannon says. Why can't he leave me alone?

"She used to study in this school so I guess people were shocked to see her back, right?" I ask, as in there is no big deal.

"I told you before she is a drama queen, and many people don't like especially your friend, Melisa." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. What does he mean?

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