Chapter 1

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"Get up", he said like always.

"No", I answered.

"You would think that after all these years you will learn what happens when you say no, but nooo with you it's only the hard way" he sighs. Then he slaps me and forcefully got me up and inject me with something

Then everything turns to darkness

Really, all as usual.


So let's rewind a little bit. My name is Alessia, and that's probably the only thing I know about myself. When I was little, someone kidnapped me and I can't remember anything from before. Every day the same guy (whose name I don't know till now), comes in my cell and injects me with something that, again, I don't know exactly what it is. I always give a fight, he punches and slaps me, and then he leaves. That's my life for the past about ten years. I'm guessing that I'm around 20, give or take. I would go crazy here and give up, but I'm not that kind of girl, at least that's what I want to believe. I just try to think about getting out of here and I already have plans, but I'm too weak and I guess that's from the injection he gives me.

So here I am fainting again.

.... three hours later....

I was awakened by a soft voice asking me if I'm okay.

Wait ... what?! ... am I dreaming?!

"Hey honey, are you okay? Wake up!"

I immediately got up and looked at my right side and there I saw, in the cell beside me, a woman. There was something powerful coming from her, something like not from this world. She looked like someone you don't want to piss off. She also looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on what. She was in her late twenties I think, and so beautiful with her short brown hair and her fascinating greenish eyes with a sparkle in them (I think, it was night time, very dark, and with the only light coming from the little window). She looked at me full of worry. But she surely didn't know me, so why was she so worried?

"Um.. hi?" I said confused, wondering if I completely lost everything.

"Oh, you are alive! thank goodness", she said in her gentle voice that was now full with relief

"Who are you?" I asked still confused

"I'm feeling great How are you?" she said in an amusing tone. I asked myself why was I being so rude when she was so nice.

"I'm so sorry! It's just that I have been here for a long time and I never saw anybody except one guy. So I'm shocked", I tried to explain myself.

"It's okay, I can't judge you. It must have been horrible and lonely" she said with a very tired tone. she needed to rest, I had to keep my questions for the next day if she will still be here.

"You sound very tired," I said, "so why don't you try to sleep a bit and we'll talk again tomorrow?". She laughed, and I asked myself why did she think that was so funny?

"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm supposed to say that you are very young and I, well, let's say I'm old"

"But you look in your twenties" I said, and that earned me another laugh

"Older than that! But thank you dear" she said

"You know you remind me about someone I knew. She always worried about everyone but herself", she murmured half asleep, and I wondered who was she talking about. But before I could ask her, she fell asleep. I decided to try to go to sleep and talk to her the next morning.

Author note:

I know it was very short but the chapters will get longer and longer...

but anyways this was the first chapter let me know what you guys think

hope to see ya next chapter Bye for now!

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