Chapter 8

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"ALESSIA STOP" I heard Sofie yell. She called me Alessia and not Alli which meant she was very angry but at that moment I didn't care. She knew that I would jump in front of my brother and Ace if I need to, and she was right. I kept running down the stairs, with Sofie also running behind me but not fast enough to stop me.

"NO All..." Sofie started to yell, but I had already opened the door. Because of Sofie's yelling. everyone looked at us, but that didn't matter to me. I kept running towards Theo and Ace. There were a lot of people and at first, I didn't see where are they I just knew the direction, but I felt a strong pull toward some way and I followed it. I'm talking like I had a lot of time, but it all happened very quickly.

"GET DOWN!" I shouted to Ace and Theo, but they were frozen like they had seen a ghost. But seriously, now it is not the time to remind me. I looked bad, also they couldn't recognize me with my brown hair.

Just when the bullet (that I guess was deadly to our kind, not a regular one) was shot, I jumped on them and pinned them to the floor ignoring the sting in my shoulder. I swiftly took the gun Theo had and aimed at the shooter who was trying to kill them, but then I saw another shooter aiming at the direction where Sofie was, next to Hades and my father, who both stood near the door through which we walked in.

At that point everyone took out their guns or got ready to use their powers but they didn't react fast enough.

"SOFIE WATCH OUT!" I screamed again, while rising my free hand - that which was shot but I somehow managed to use - and shielding her two seconds before the bullet hit her. Then I shot, killing the first shooter and after it the second. But I knew they were three and I found him. He was trying to aim at MY FREAKING LITTLE SISTER that stood next to MY MOTHER (this little--) I moved the shield to their side and tried to shoot the third shooter. My mom (who was the only useful one) pushed Calista behind her. I hit the shooter but he managed to run. I tried to run after him to block his exit but I was too late. Now that no one was in danger, I felt all the pain I didn't let myself feel and I began to feel dizzy.

"Alessia, are you okay?" asked me Sofia once she came outside.

"I don't know, but I don't want them to see me like this or anyone. Can you take me to your house?" I asked Sofie. I don't want to hurt them and I don't think they would be happy to see me as I look now.

"They still don't know who you are, but they saw me, so I will take you to my house, there you will heal properly. I will come back and explain to them what happened, but I won't tell them who you are until you are ready, okay?" Sofia said

"Yes, thank you so much," I said to Sofie. Then she started to teleport us.

"We are here," said Sofia in her sweet voice.

I looked around the room. It was beautiful and because of its cleanness, probably a guest room.

 It was beautiful and because of its cleanness, probably a guest room

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(this is the room)

"But listen, You have too many bullets so I do need to call your sister," Sofie said, and I looked at her confused

"Oh right you don't know, your sister Alexandra is the goddess of healing" she explained and I smiled

"She loves helping people and gods she must have been so happy when she found out," I said and Sofie smiled

"yes she was," Sofie said with a smile

"But no I don't want anyone to see me especially not my family. not like this." I said determinedly and Sofie looked angry

"Alli listen, you nee-" Sofie started to say but I stopped her

"NO! please Sofie listen to me" I yelled. 

Then I started to lose consciousness and closed my eyes

Persephone (Sofie) pov

"Alli? Alli?!" shit shit shit now what do I do? I can't help her and I don't know what's wrong with her and she will hate me if her sister will come and see her like this also she deserves a happy reunion with her family. I started walking around the room.

Wait I know. she opened her mind link

"come to guest room 1 but don't tell anyone, quick!"  I said in the mind link

after ten minutes

"MOM?!" Kayla said in a very surprised and happy tone and run to me

"hey sweetheart" I quickly hugged her and pulled out

"I know you have a lot of questions but right now I need your help," Sofie said in a serious tone and Kayla nodded

"I need you to help the girl on the bed! I don't know what's wrong with her and I can't call anyone from Zeus family" Sofie said frustrated she knew Kayla probably thought they can't call anyone from Zeus family because they are enemies so it would seem normal

"Mom calm down who is she? do you know her?" Kayla asked

"Kayla this is not the time please help her after that I will explain," she said to her daughter

Kayla was the goddess of magic and witchcraft so I hoped she can help her in some way. Kayla looked at me and sigh. she got close to Alessia (she didn't know this is Alessia) and put her hand above her and started whispering things.

"Shit where did they get that poison," Kayla said to herself

"What do you mean poison?!" said Sofie

"someone injected her with a lot of poison, its seems like they did it for a long time I need to take it out of her, also she was shot with a special bullet that supposes to be very bad I never saw one in real life but I did hear of them but somehow it doesn't affect her much" Kayla explained to me. I wasn't surprised about the bullet but I am also worried about the poison.

"what do you mean to take it out of her? will it hurt you?" I asked with concern

"I don't think I can do that alone, its too much. I need Alexandra" said Kayla ignoring my question

"Kayla will. it. hurt. you?!" I asked with a stern tone

"It will be a little hard and will drain my powers for a little bit but I will be fine. mom if you trust this girl and want her to be better then I will do it" Kayla said and I smiled at her

"Thank you, sweetheart. now is there someone else that can help you?" I asked Kayla

"Well... yes but you are not gonna like it," Kayla said. of course it's him I need to beg for help from.


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