Chapter 2

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"Fight", the woman said.

"You are strong", said the man.

"Come back, I miss you Sia". The boy was around my age and looked just like me said.

And that's when I opened my eyes and saw the grey ceiling above me. What was that dream? The boy looked exactly like me, seriously, a walking breathing copy just as a boy. And who was Sia? The woman and the man had a very similar look... As if they were my parents, but that can't be possible. I forgot everything. Was my mind playing tricks with me? Sometimes, I don't even know why I'm trying. Even if I do escape, where will I go? I don't know anybody, I have no one. But no, I'm not giving up, even if I have no one I won't give up because that's just the person I am. If I die it won't be here, I won't give him the satisfaction of that. I want to believe someone is looking for me, but that are things I will solve when I get out of here, not if, when. I'm not giving up. I tried a lot of times to escape but I never succeeded, not because I couldn't get out, but because he always brought some random person and told me that if I go, he is going to die, and that was enough to bring me back. No one will be dying because of me. At least, not people that don't deserve that. I can't really know if they are bad or not, but I can feel that they are good, I can feel that. I can't describe it, but every time he gave me a stronger injection until I got so weak that I could bearly stand.

I push those thoughts to the back of my mind when I remember that yesterday he brought another woman.

I tried to sit up and look in her direction and saw her still sleeping. Now, when there is daylight, I can see her better. She seriously was beautiful, her long lashes started moving and she opened her eyes. She looked at me and froze a confused look or maybe disbelief shows on her face.

"It can't be" she said and I had no idea of what was going on.

"You look exactly like her" she continued saying. I looked behind me and saw no one was there. So who is she talking about?

"Are you okay? Do you need water or food? I can go help you to escape from this cell" I said. She was perhaps hallucinating things, and if that was the case, she surely needed water and food.

"no no it's not that- wait if you know how to get out why don't you?"

"it's a long story and right now I'm too weak to tell you. But I can go and get something for you " I said determined

"No, I'm okay. It's just... Tell me, how old are you?". That was an odd question. And as time passed, I was more and more convinced that she needed food and water

"I don't really know, I lost my memory before the kidnapping. But I think I am around 20. I have been here for about ten years".

She looked at me like I was a dead person (maybe I looked like one but I wasn't). I wanted to ask her why she was looking at me like that, but then I noticed a tear coming out of her eyes.

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay? That's it! I'm going to get you water". I started to get up and immediately I fell down. But that didn't matter to me. I was decided to get her water. I tried to get up again, but then she snapped out of her daze.

"What are you doing? You are obviously hurt. Get down, I'm really okay. It's not that" she said, with her tone full of worry and sadness.

I considered her words and finally, I sat down.

"Okay listen, tell me something that makes sense, so I won't think you are dehydrated". ok, I'm losing my mind here. I don't even know her name.

"Well, I don't know where to begin with". When she said that, her voice was full of sadness. It made me also sad. She took a deep breath trying to relax herself.

"Well, your name will be a good start". She looked at me shaking her head and smiled a little as if I said something familiar and funny. Well, I did try to cheer her a little up but saying her name really would be a good start.

"Always trying to make people happy, always the jokestar" she mumbles to herself. But I heard and decided to let that go. there is no way she is talking about me. She probably remembered someone she loved and I didn't want to ruin that, she looked so happy.

"You are right, hi I'm Persephone." Persephone? that's a weird name! It was not that I knew a lot of names but Persephone ...

"That won't do it. It is too formal and long and weird and ..." I had a lot more to say, but she stopped me.

"Okay I think I got the idea" she said, sounding amused and I blushed a little with embarrassment.

"Right, sorry, anyway let's go with Sofie". Sofie smiled almost knowingly like she knew I was about to say that

"You haven't changed a bit, have you?" she said, and softly laughed.

Author note:

Like I said in the last chapter the first chapters will be short. they will get longer!

hope you enjoy reading my story!!!!

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