Chapter 4

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"You were taken ten years ago." she said.

I froze.

What did she just say?! It can't be... right? Her story matches the time and why would she lie? But that's just crazy!

"You look exactly like your twin brother. The second I woke up and there was light I knew. Also, not a lot of kids have natural white hair and I doubt someone dyed your hair". She was right, I never understood how the white color never changes.

"I know its a lot to take in but it's really you. Your parents are still looking for you. They were devastated" she said,  and I notice a single tear on my face. I never cried but to hear that my family is still looking for me? That I have a twin brother? That's just... I have no words.

"Wait. You said there were other childrens right? I have siblings? What is their name? How old are they? Wait, wait how old am I? What-" she started laughing and stopped me.

"Yes, you have five siblings, one big brother named Damien and he is 22 years old. Then there are you and your twin brother Theo. You are 19 years old. Then we have Alexandra who is 18 years old, Ajax who is 16 years old and last we have little Calista who is 14 years old. Your mother is Hera and your father is Zeus. Now, I need you to know another thing, so please try to focus for a second, ok?" she finished and I could only nod trying to get all the information in.

"Ok. So a long story short, we are gods". Did she just say "gods"? How do I actually can believe all that? But she is not lying I know when someone lies. I don't know how (well apparently I do know)  and she is not lying.

"You know I'm not lying. You can sense when someone lies" she said, like she had read my mind.

"When I said everyone was devastated with your disappearance I meant all the gods. Your father is the ruler of heaven and he is the strongest god. Your mother is strong and known too, so everyone knows you." good to know. Not stressful at all. 

"Wait, so why you and my mother can't be friends?" I still do not understand that,  I mean, they are gods.

"My husband is hades ruler of the underworld", she said in a duh tone, but I still didn't get that.

"And?" I said and she laughed

"They don't get along. Many years ago there was a war and since then they don't speak to each other?"

"Many years? 10? 20?"

"1000000 years"

"Are you serious? Are they crazy or what? They have to get over it!".

"How do you know hades isn't a bad guy?"

"Well, you are a good pers- god and a smart one. You wouldn't be with him. I can also feel he isn't. Maybe he was, but he isn't anymore, and I think you have something to do with that."

"You are definitely smart, Alessia, and probably more mature than hades and your father. None of them have the guts to talk to each other. Zeus won't come to us and hades has too much ego to be nice and apologize." she said, rolling her eyes annoyed. And then I realize something:

"Wait, why are you here? And how did someone kidnap me if I'm a god?  Why don't I have powers? Do you know what god I am? And...",  I started to actually think about everything.

"Slow down, Alli...  I'm sorry, is it okay I call you Alli? That's how I used to call you".  Why would she apologize: I call her Sofie...

"Yes of course" I said simply.

"Great, to answer your questions I'll tell you that I was kidnapped too. I don't know who did it,  but he is probably a god too. That's how he kidnapped us in the first place. He also did that when we were asleep. Hades wasn't at home that day, so it was a little easier. But he must have been powerful. Right now we are on earth, that's how they can't find us. Very smart. Technically gods get their powers when they turn 18. They need to do some test that tells you what god you are and you get your powers according to that. But you, well... you werent there. And also your brother didn't agree to make the test without you, so you still don't know. But you and your brother are already very strong because you are twins. As I said earlier, twins are very rare. We have only Apollo and Artemis who are twins. And because you are twins, you are very powerful. Probably more than any other god, Once you go through the test which is probably why somone kiddnapped you. you already have some powers like the ability to say if a person is lying, or if a person have a good heart. And I guess you have more. You are supposed to be very strong.  You already know how to fight and use any weapon. I saw you, even if you don't remember anything, it comes naturally to you. So I don't know how you can't even stand. I don't have my powers because when I was kidnapped someone put on me a bracelet that blocks my powers and makes me weaker." Wow! that is a lot... My brother must be so sad  He even didn't take the test to find out what god he is. Wow!

"Every day some guy comes in and injects me with something. Now I know it's blocking my powers and it makes me very weak" I explained to her and she nodded. I wanted to say more, but I heard whisperings.

"Hey, you hear that?" I said and got closer to the cell door to hear better while Sofie did the same also trying to hear

"Now that we have Persephone and Alessia. Lets start part 2 of our plan. Hades is very weak now. He even asked Zeus and Hera to help."  I heard a man say and another man starts to laugh

"That great, so what's next?"  says another man.

"In two days there is a gala everyone goes to, and Zeus said that he will help only if hades comes with his family.. Then we attack. We have to kill Theo and Ace and then we can finally kill that pain in the ass, Alessia."  I heard the man who comes in and injects me every day say, he probably was the leader. I gasped in horror when I heard what he said: he wants to kill my brother. And Ace, who is he? I don't even know who he is, but I feel the urge to kill everyone that lay a hand on him. Wait, what am I even saying?  You know it doesn't matter, they won't do that. I won't let them lay a hand on any of then.

"Wait, but won't hades or Zeus will stop us?"  a woman's voice asked.

"Hades is too weak now after we took Persephone, and Zeus won't notice. He will be too busy watching that hades doesn't do anything"  the leader said.

"I hate to see how right he is. Zeus will probably do exactly that" Sofie said. 

We didn't hear anything else after that.

"They messed with the wrong woman. I will kill every single one of them, killing my brother and Ace?! yeah, that's not going to happen" I said, and Sofie looked at me confused but smiling.

"How do you know my son?" Oh, so that's who he is, I blushed in embarrassment. How am I supposed to explain that?! 

"I.. I don't. It's just that I feel an urge to protect him like my brother, but in a different way.  I don't know whats going on" I said frustrated, and she gave me a knowing smile. 

"You know, I bet with your mother about that. So let me know ones you figured it out", she said, leaving me confused.

"Huh? you know what I probably don't wanna know. And now we need a plan because nobody is going to kill my brother and Ace." I said and she looked at me smiling again.

"Ok, let's start thinking" said Sofie, and I'm shocked to think I'm actually believing all that but I just know she is telling the truth.

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