Chapter 5

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"Ok. I think that part is done" Sofie said and I nodded in agreement.

In the last hour me and Sofie planned the exact escape way, like where there will be guards and all that. I knew the place pretty good, and that helped.

"Now, to the hard part" I said, and she looked already deep in thoughts.

"So basically, we need to find a way where they won't inject me. Ande we also need to take off your bracelet" I said. Think Alessia, think was there any day that for some reason he didn't inject me? Wait, I got it!

"Ok, I think I have a way but it's risky. I don't know if they will fall if we do it" I said, and Sofia looked at me curiously.

"Ok. So, about two years ago the same guy, like always, walked in with the intention to inject me. I tried to fight with him, but he finally he knocked me out. I don't know why, but they can't inject me while I sleep or are knocked out. So, when the guy comes in, I can try to fight and, because I'm very weak, I will pretend to be knocked out fast. And tomorrow I will still pretend to be knocked out because. So, the next day, they won't be here because they will go to the gala, which means I will have two days without it and I hope its enough. Last time it happened the minute I woke up. Perhaps it will work, but it's very risky and I don't know if they believe what I want them to believe. And even if they do, I don't know for sure if it will be enough time for me to get better." Sofia listened to every word and thought about it.

"There are two problems: one is that we don't know if they all will go to the gala. What will we do then? and two: I still have my bracelet." she said. But I already knew how to answer her.

"Even if not all of them go, the leader will and that's enough. For ten years I only saw him. There's gotta be a reason. And the bracelet: well, that's easy: if I'm strong like you say, I will brake him once I will feel better" I answered, and she looked at me. She was going to say something, but suddenly her face became concerned.

"Wait, what if you can't take it? he won't go easy on you from what you are telling me" she said, but I can take it. Maybe it will hurt and maybe he will knock me out, but not more than a day.

"I will be okay" I said, and I could see in her face that she didn't like my answer.

"No, we will think of a different way" she said seriously.

"There isn't one. If that's why you don't want to do the plan, then we are doing it" I said determined.

"All listen ..." she tried to say more, but I stopped her.

He won't go easy on you from what you are telling me" she said, but

"NO, I won't listen! My brother and your son can die. And that will not happen without me trying to save them at all cost.  And if you know me, you surely know that I am ready  to die for them no matter when ." I said angrily. I really didn't want to behave that way to her, but to know there is something - no matter how low is the chance that it will work -, that I could do to save them and didn't do that?

"So ok, we will do that" she said in a defeated voice.

"Alright. Now, we have to wait," I said to her. And just there I began to think that I didn't know anything about her family.

"Hey what about your family? How many are you?" I asked, trying to distract her a little. And that worked, because a smile appeared on her lips.

"I have five children.  the oldest is Ace: 22 years. Then we have Jason who is 20; Kayla, in your age, 19, Victoria, 16 years old, and lastly Sawyer, who is 14", she said.  " And I miss them so much!" she added. And then, before any of us could say anything else, we heard footsteps.The man opened the cell and walked in.


"Hey there, girls! What do you say? Alessia had a nice suprise with our new arrival, didn't she?" he said in a smug voice. I didn't answer him and I knew that would piss him off.

"ANSWER ME!" he yelled. And it worked like a charm on us.

"That's it. Get up!" he shouted angrily. I smiled a little.

"No" I simply said. Then he approached  me with the intention to punch me and tried to grab my arm. But I didn't let him do it.

"Don't start Alessia, it never ends well for you" he said, getting furious. He tried again but this time I grabbed his arm and scratched it hard.

"THAT'S IT" he yelled 

 I looked at Sofie and I spelled to her with my mouth "it's ok" and she nodded. Then he started to punch me and I faked that I was knocked out, but he continued. I heard Sofie saying something, but I already zoned out. The last thought in my head was that he didn't inject me which was great: it meant that part one had been a success. Then I saw only darkness.

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