Chapter 3

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"You haven't changed one bit have you?" she said and laughs a little.

there it is again. who does she thinks I am?

"um, Sofie listen I don't want to upset you but I'm not whoever you think I am, I was kidnapped 10 years ago and-" I tried to reason with her but she stopped me

"believe me I know that too well, listen I will tell you a story and maybe you will understand better ok?" she said determinedly and I realized she won't give up.

"Ok" maybe after she will tell me the story I could explain to her why I'm not who she thinks I am, it's just not possible.

"great, so I had a best friend we loved each other so much, we were inseparable but when my soulma- when I fell in love with now my husband I knew I couldn't keep in touch with her" she said and pause she looked like she was living that moment again she looked so sad.

"what was your best friend's name?" I asked in goal to distract her a little, she smiled like she knew what I was trying to do but answer anyway

"Hera, her name was Hera." she looked at me curiously I don't know why, but also the name she said, Hera, why do I feel like I know her? When she said that name there was a warm feeling inside me. Ugh, what's going on?!

"So why couldn't you keep in touch with your best friend?" I asked trying to distract myself

"Well because, umm, let's say that my husband's family and hers were enemies."

"That's childish. They had to fix whatever it was. Were they little kids?" I said, and she smiled with a full smile

"There was another girl I knew that always said that". She laughed a bit and continued

"My husband didn't know we were good friends I didn't tell him. It was a complicated matter and I won't get into it. A few years passed and my first son was born. When Hera heard that she called me and congratulated me. I missed her so much and we started to meet in secret. She even brought her son and I brought mine. A few years after that Hera was pregnant again, but this time with twins and... well, in her family twins was something very rare, almost unbelievable. When they were born, they were in big danger. Again, I won't get into it but it's important you know that. Hera and me kept meeting in secret. She stopped bringing the boy because he always was training to... never mind, But I continued bringing mine and she brought her twins: a boy and a girl. When they got a little older me and Hera didn't want to bring them anymore, because we didn't want our secret to be revealed. But they refused, they told Hera that if she won't bring them with her, they will find a way to do it, and they will be there. The girl was very stubborn and even my son told me the same. At the end, we continued to bring them along. Hera had more kids and I did too but we never brought them. only the twins met and actually remembered me. They were so unique! The boy was very active, he loved all kinds of sports and he was sweet, kind and always protective of his sister. They were literally inseparable. And the girl, oh the girl!" She stopped, and smiled with a full smile, looking at me like she was talking about me. And she continued

"She was so stubborn, strong, and funny Always trying to make people happy. She worried about everyone but herself, she was the sun of everyone, so caring, Nothing would stop her if she wanted to get something, and she loved her brother with all her heart. They had a special bond". She suddenly stopped, and her smile disappeared. A look of sadness replaced it.

"do you remembered that I said they were in danger?" she asked. I nodded. "when they were nine, the girl was kidnapped. I can't even start to explain to you how heartbreaking it was. Everyone tried to look for her, but she was gone. Her brother, who always had been full of life, got empty. He then never smiled again, never showed emotions, and never stopped looking for her. The sun from everyone's life was taken. Even my son - who knew her -, was very sad. He always had played with her, and from the day she was taken, he also never expressed again his emotions. And till now, I don't know exactly why." she finished, with sadness all over her face.

"You always say the girl and the boy, but what were their names?" I was curious.

"The boy's name was Theo", she answered and again, something in my body told me I knew him.

"And the girl's name was Alessia. She was taken ten years ago." And after a moment she added

 "You were taken ten years ago."

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