Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling like a new person. I'm strong, I can feel the power in my body. It's so good not to feel weak and powerless. I still look pretty bad. The whole night I had flashbacks of my old life. I remember everything and it's the best feeling in the entire world. I want to go back. I already miss everyone in my family. My big brother and my little sisters and brother and Ace... I don't know what is with him, but I always felt a connection to him. I can't wait. I just hope everything will go smoothly. Me and Sofie don't really have a plan. Simply, once we get there, just catch the bad guys and kill them. It seems easy enough. I mean, not really, but I won't let anyone get hurt. The Sun is just starting to rise and now I have to wake up Sofie.

"Hey Sofie, wake up". Sofie started to open her eyes and she looked at me with a confused expression. But then she began to smile.

"You sound different, full of life" Sofie said.

"I remember everything! It probably was the injection that made me forget" I told Sofie. She then got up.

"Hey, Sofie did you know I had a nickname for each god? And they hated it!" I said, and we started laughing.

"Oh yes. You called Hades "grumpy grandpa". You only met him once and he didn't know who you were. He told jokes that only I could understand. But you did too and he really liked you." Said Sofie with a sad smile.

"When we come back I will fix this. Seriously, they are acting like Coconut heads!" I said, and Sofie started laughing again.

"I missed you, they all did" Sofie said with a big smile and I smiled back. Then we began to hear noises from outside. We got closer to the cell door and listened

"Me, you and Eliot are going. You two stay on guard. The girl is knocked out, so there won't be any problems" the leader said. Eliot huh, I will remember this name.

"Okay. Now we wait for about half an hour and then we go. In the meantime, can you try to take off the bracelet?" Sofie asked.

"Yeah, let's try" I replied, and approached her cell. She held out her hand and when I touched the bracelet it electrified me. I tried again, but again it happened.

"Never mind, we have you and that's enough" Sofie said, but I couldn't help but worry.

"But you are weak, you won't be able to fight. I don't want you to get hurt" I said. I said. I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect Sofie

"We don't have another choice, we have to take this opportunity" Sofie said. "This is not time to not believe in yourself Alessia, you can do it" she added.

"Sofie, are you sure?" I asked Sofie

"Yes! now listen to me. If someone catches me, you run-" started Sofie to say, but I stopped her.

"Absolutely not!" I said, and Sofie glared at me.

"Alli, you need to save Ace and Theo. I will be okay, but if something happens to me, tell them I loved them, ok?" Sofie said. There is no way I will leave her, but there is no point to argue about it. I won't do it anyway.

"Ok, let's go" I said, and Sofia looked at me suspiciously but I already started to try and open my call and succeed then I opened Sofia's. it was so cool

"They know we escaped. Let's go!" I said to Sofia and we started running.

I saw a guard in the way and I kicked him hard. It really came naturally, but I also remembered what dad had taught me. We got close to the exit I did need to take down a few guards but it went smoothly so far But then two black-masked persons started to run after us. I guessed they were the two we heard talking earlier outside.

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