Chapter 6

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"Alli wake up" I heard a voice calling me.

"Come on Alli! For Theo and Ace!" and when the voice said that, my eyes shot open.

"Thank god, you scared me!" Sofie said still worried

"I'm okay. it's all good" I said to reassure her.

"This is the last time I agree with something you suggest. You probably thought it went well, that it was a success, right?" Umm... am I supposed to lie?

"No?" I answered, but it came more like a question and she glared at me. 

"You are a special kid, that's for sure" she said. I smiled, but then I started to cough.

"Are you okay? Is there anything wrong?" she asked with concern. 

"Yeah, it will pass" It has happened a lot to me, but I won't tell her that.

"You say that, as if you knew it from experience, do you?" she asked, starting to get angry.

"Any moment he can come in, so I can't talk, I have to play knocked out" I said, trying to avoid her question

"Sure, we will talk later" she said in a warning tone.  I rolled my eyes.

"I saw that".

"No, you didn't". 


Two hours later I heard footsteps and immediately closed my eyes

"Alessia, get up!" the man said, but I didn't move.

"SHE DIDN'T WAKE UP! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Sofie yelled. Wow! nice acting skill, Sofie. 

"BE QUIET PERSEPHONE!" the man yelled back, probably starting to get nervous. I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer. Then I felt he put a hand on my neck and the man breathed a sigh of relief.

"She is alive, just knocked out. I will come back tomorrow" the man said, and I heard the footsteps moving away from me. I waited for a few minutes.

"You can now stop pretending" Sofie said.

"Nice acting" I said. She was good.

"Why are you so surprised?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know what to expect, but the yelling, wow, if the god thing doesn't work out, you can always be an actress" I said, and she laughed. 

"I will remember that " she said, still giggling a bit.

"Ok. Now, um..., there is something I forgot to ask, um... how do we get there?" I asked.

"If you take the bracelet off me, I can teleport us. But you know how to do that too." she said, laughing again.

"What's funny?" I asked Sofie

"I remembered that your father started to teach you how to teleport, but he didn't think you would succeed. So, after the first lesson he didn't tell your mother about that . Then, in one of our meetings, you, Theo and Ace sat on the ground and played, while me and your mom talked. one second you was there, and the other you, Theo and Ace were gone. Your mom and I freaked out and we started yelling and panicking, after five minutes you were back with a lot of candies. When your mom asked where were you, you said it was all daddy." I started laughing and so did Sofie. Then I got quiet.

"Hey, why are you sad?" Sofie asked me

"I can't remember them! It's a bad feeling. My brother has so many memories from me and I have nothing" I told  Sofie.

"You know what, let's try. And even if you don't succeed, its okay. Your brother just wants you back and they will get back to you eventually" Sofie said. what did she mean by saying "let's try". Sofie noticed my confused expression and she started to explain herself.

"I will try to help you remember. Let's start from the memory I just told you. Close your eyes and try to think about your brother, about your mother, Ace, me. Just try to figure that out" she said, and I closed my eyes and started to imagine them. But nothing came to my mind and I let out a sigh.

"Try again" Sofie said. I tried again and this time the most beautiful shade of blue eyes and black hair came to my mind. But everything else was blurry.

"Does someone I know have blue eyes and black hair?" she smiled, and that was a big smile!

"That will be my son Ace" she said. Of course it is!  I tried again and saw me well me in a boy version and it wasn't blurry! I saw my brother!

"I saw him, I saw my brother!" I told to Sofie. Of course, its a nine years old version of Ace and Theo, but still...

"Great. Now try to imagine your mother, and keep thinking about the moment I told you" she said.  I tried again and this time I saw my mom, she was so beautiful!  Was that a god thing? I tried then to remember the moment Sofie talked about. I tried and tried. I didn't give up and a long time after, I succeeded.


There was a green field and a picnic blanket. 

"Hey, Cay, yesterday dad taught me and Mini..." I started to say, but Theo cut me.

"You know I hate that nickname"  he said .

"But you are Mini-me" I argued.

"You are only Two minutes older!" continues Theo. 

"That still makes me the older one, and you look like me. So Mini-me. now stop cutting me!" I said .

"Ace, what do you think?" Theo asked. Ace looked at me, then at Theo and sigh.

"Ella is right you were born before her. Just find something to get her back" Ace said and Theo sigh

"like I said before, dad taught me and Mini how to teleport!" I said excited.

"Nice!  Did you succeed?" asked me Ace?

"Of course we did" said Theo smugly

"But dad doesn't know that, and know we can go wherever we want. And I want candies, so let's go" I said 

"I don't know. Ella, my mum will get mad at me" Ace said

"No she won't. I will blame my dad, we will do that fast, please Cay?" I said while I did my best puppy dog eyes.

"You know I can't stand those eyes. It's not fair!  ugh! let's go but fast!" Ace said.

."Okay, do you remember how Mini?" I asked Theo.

"Yes, and if you need help, take my hand" Theo said.

....after they return...

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" mum yelled.

"It was all daddy's fault" Ace said.

~~end of flashback~~

"I remembered!!!" I told Sofie and I started giggling.

"That's great! Why are you giggling?", Sofie asked.

"I never call a person by his name, huh?" I asked Sofie.

"No, not really" said Sofie, laughing.

" Apparently I called my brother Mini and Ace, Cay. I know why Mini but why Cay, do you know?" I asked Sofie, and she started laughing again.

"When you were little you couldn't say Ace you would say cake so you told him that its Cake or Cay and he said Cay" she answered. yeah make sense

"You must be tired. Go to sleep, tomorrow is the big day" Sofie said.

"Goodnight Sofie" I said, and I went to sleep.

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