Chapter 10

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Still Persephone (Sofie) pov 

"Mom we are done," Kayla said through the mind link.

I quickly went up the stairs to the room where Alessia is. Please let her be ok.

before I got in I saw Kayla and Apollo standing outside her room

"She still hasn't woke up yet but for now we believe it went good," Apollo said showing no feelings but I knew he was a little worried I don't know exactly the relationship he had with Alessia but I knew he cared for her when she was a little girl and just the fact he showed up to help is the proof.

"When is she supposed to wake up?" I asked him

"what do you think I am a doctor? I never did this kind of spell I don't know, we just have to wait and see" I paid no attention to him and turned my face to Kayla

"He is right this time we have nothing else to do," Kayla said, I know she wants to know whats going on and know everything all the time all of my children are like this they got that from Hades

"Ok, go to rest Kayla you look exhausted, I will stay here with her and don't tell anyone anything," I said and Kayla nodded and went to her room she is angry at me I know that I will talk to her tomorrow

"well... I should stay and see she is okay you won't be able to help her if something isn't right" Apollo said. well, consider me shocked.

"Apollo are you okay?" because he doesn't act like himself

"Of course I am this is a stupid question, I am a god" okay this is Apollo

"you know what it's been a long day lets just go in and watch her," I said and walked in followed by Apollo. I went to sit on a chair next to her and apollo went to sit on the other side.

Alessia pov

what's going on? where am I? and why do I feel so weak?!

I tried to open my eyes and slowly I did, I am still in the guest room of Sofie's house I think, it's very dark, how much time was I unconscious? I looked to my side and saw someone I didn't recognize, I could only see his back and I started to panic why did she tell anyone? is this someone from my family? please no

"Who are you?" my voice came out as a whisper he suddenly turns his back and looked at me

"Pollo?!" how? why? what?

"Allesi are you ok? do you want something?" Apollo Asked me with a worried tone

"water please" I managed to say, Apollo got up and brought me water

I drank the whole cup and now I feel a little better

"How did you get here? how much time I was unconscious?" I started to get worried

"Ok calm down, I will explain everything" I nodded

and he explained, I was unconscious for one night and now its morning, how Kayla and he did a risky spell, How Sofie got him here and had to tell him who I was which I understood, Kayla Apparently didn't know and is not happy about it and that right now Sofie went to take care of stuff.

"thank you so much Pollo for saving my life" I gave him a small smile

"your welcome, it was a very exhausting spell that took a lot of power and I didn't do it for you it was-" I cut him

"I see that when I wasn't here you lost your manners, you say your welcome and stop there" I smirked and he looked amused

Sofie walked into the room when she noticed me she ran to me and hugged me carefully not to hurt me

"Sofie thank you so much for everything you did, are you ok?" she looked at me and rolled her eyes

"thank god you are awake, and yes I'm okay can you be worried about yourself for once? I'm the older one here not you," she said and gave me a small smile

"um... Sofie, can you please call Kayla to come here? I want to thank her and explain everything" Sofie smiled nodded and got out of the room

"well now that your alive and okay I should go," Apollo said and I smiled

"thank you for everything again Pollo, I missed you" he rolled his eyes and I opened my arms for a hug he just looked at me

"If you won't come and give me a hug this second I will come to you and it will ruin all the hard job you did," I said with a smirked and he let out an annoying sigh but came and gave me a hug

after the hug he started to walk out but before he went out the door he said

"I missed you too Allesi" and went out. I smiled a big smile

I looked down to see there's still some cuts and stuff on my body which means I'm not completely healed yet and then a white hair caught my eyes, Sofie probably removed the spell. in conclusion, I probably look like shit but I do feel better, still weak and I don't think I can walk yet.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open

Kayla came into the room with Sofie. Kayla took a few steps towards me and gasp

"Allesia" she whispered, with my white hair and the fact I'm awake it's probably easier to recognize me

"Hey Kayla, thank you so much for what you did, please don't be mad at your mother she didn't tell you I asked her not too," I said and Kayla nodded

"its ok, how are you, what, where, I just have so many questions," she said with a confused face

Sofie started to explain everything and at the end, Kayla looked like she was about to explode

"Wow" she managed to say

"Allesia I think it's time to call your family," Sofie said and I nodded and smiled, I cant wait to see them already.

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