Chapter 5: A Very Steamy Bath

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Chapter 5: A Very Steamy Bath

Merlin stood in the entry of the stables reluctant to start cleaning. He stared at the manure and then back at his clean clothes. There was no way out of it, orders were orders and if Arthur expected his stalls to be clean then they had to be. He didn't want Arthur to pull one of his fits again or he would never hear the end of it.

Taking the rake he moved further into the stalls. A guard came up behind Merlin and surprised him, causing him to almost drop the rake right onto a pile of manure. "The King has requested your presence in his chambers." He said and left without waiting for a reply from Merlin.

Putting the rake back against the wall he exited the stalls and headed towards the King. What now, he thought as he entered the chambers again without knocking. He never really understood the purpose of that.

Arthur was standing near the fireplace; he turned at the sound of the door opening. A smile formed on his face as he laid eyes on his servant. "What took you so long? I know you don't eat Merlin, but for one I am the King and I need nourishment." He commented wanting to sound angry but coming out teasing, the smile still plastered on his face not helping any. Then his smile vanished and his eyes darkened for a moment, just a moment, as he lowered his gaze to Merlin's lips.

Merlin had forgotten that he had his normal duties to attend to besides the ones the condescending brat had thrown on him as punishment for being late this morning. "Of course, sire. I will bring it right away." He replied and moved to leave. He was too tired and hungry to play with him at the moment.

"I will be eating in the dining hall today." Arthur commanded and dismissed Merlin with a wave of his hand. Taking a sit on his chair he stared at the unlit logs in the fireplace. After a few moments he ran his fingers across his own lips. His mind was somewhere distant. Shaking his head he rose and left, but instead of heading to the dining hall he went straight to Gauis chambers.

Standing outside Gaius' door, he knocked on it. "Come in" came the response from inside and without waiting for another reply, Arthur entered. The King looked at Merlin's closed door.

"He is not here sire." Gaius stated as he looked up from the piles of books now scattered all over his table and floor near his feet. Arthur was unsure what to say and then decided to get the visit over and done with. "Gaius, I need something for my uh.... ailment."

Gaius raised his eyebrow at the King, who still hadn't stepped more than two feet from the door. "Of course, sire. Let me see what I have." He rose from his stool and stepped over to one of his shelves. "What are the symptoms, sire?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder at the rather healthy King.

Arthur remained silent at the question as he thought of the reply in his head wording it carefully. "I start to sweat, my chest feels tight, and my heart beats rapidly. I seem to be out of breath at times." Arthur says leaving the hot part out as his gaze wanders away from Gaius to Merlin's door again.

"Sire that is normal due to the intense heat we have been getting. I recommend that you avoid tedious activity and postpone training the knights until you start feeling better." Gaius calmly stated with his physician tone and grabbed a small bottle with yellow liquid. He handed it to the king and told him to take it three times a day. "Let me know if the symptoms go away or get worse, sire."

"Thank you Gaius." And with one final quick glance at Merlin's closed door he stepped out. Heading to the dining hall where his food was most likely to be waiting for him. He tightened his grasp on the bottle and increased his pace.


Merlin placed Arthur's plate in front of him and moved to pour him his drink. Arthur had entered the dining hall and taken his seat without much of a word. Merlin thought that he was still mad at him for being late today; he had thrown Arthur's schedule off by a few hours.

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