Chapter 23: Standing for Love

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A small warning though, there is a lot of tossing about that takes place, action scenes aren't my strong point and there is one heck of a cliffhanger. Also keep in mind as you read that I love to torture these boys. About who or what the old hag is, notes on that at the end

Chapter 23: Standing for Love

Arthur pushed his horse at a deadly pace, its hooves tearing into the ground and grass as it tore through the woods with Gwaine and the rest of the Knights close behind. The words Gaius had spoken still ringing in his ears. "He is gone sire." There had been no time for explanations or need for clarification, the look on the distraught physician had said it all. Arthur signaled for them to spread out, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest at the thought that he would never see Merlin again.


Merlin continued to stare as the old hag's skin stretched and retracted, her wrinkles disappeared and her eyes turned the deepest colors of emeralds. Her skin was now ivory and pale, the old hag had transformed into a beautiful young woman in mere seconds. "Do you like my real form Merlin? Do I please you?" the woman asked as she slowly released her grip on his throat and moved back to provide a better view, a strand of her long raven hair falling unto her face, hiding some of her delicate features. She slowly brought her hand up and licked the blood on the tips of her long slender fingers.

"You do taste quite delicious." The witch said as the sound of a bird screeching sliced through the trees behind her, the pure sound of it making a wicked grin appear on her lips. "Gehaeftan," Merlin's eyes flashed gold as the word escaped his lips and huge roots shot out from the ground, rustling as they moved across the grass and wrapped around the witch, tightening and pulling at her in every direction. His eyes turned gold once more and the roots tightened even more, a hideous cry pierced the air as they cut into her, tearing into her clothes and skin.

The witch's eyes changed from green to gold and the roots snapped into pieces, falling to the ground in a heap of dust near her feet. Blood seeped from her cuts and soaked into her clothes as she moved towards Merlin, part of a marking on her waist showing through the torn material. There was a glimmer of recognition in the young warlock's eyes; he had seen that marking too many times before to forget. "You're a druid!" Merlin exclaimed as he backed into a tree, surprised at his discovery and yet it all started to make sense.

"What is it that you hope to get out of attacking Camelot?" Merlin found himself asking, his hand once more extended towards her, a spell just on the tip of his tongue.

"Why do you think Merlin? I want you!" The woman replied as she stepped closer still, her eyes flashing a golden color. "Join me."

Merlin's eyes turned gold as the voices filled his mind, he grasped his head and tried to push them aside. "Get out of my head," The young warlock screamed as he raised his gaze towards her sending the witch flying backwards through the air. She landed on the ground with a loud thump and remained still, leaves fluttering around her. Merlin walked back the way he had come, but before he could take more than three steps he was thrown backwards towards a tree. He slammed into it and fell to the ground half unconscious, Arthur's seal falling from inside his jacket to roll a few inches from where he lay.


Gwaine moved through the trees, sword drawn and on foot. The woods had gotten too dense and it was impossible for them to continue on horse. The rest of the knights followed close behind, the woods buzzing with their movement. Gwaine could feel his muscles tighten at the thought of his friend being hurt or worse. The brave knight shook the thought out of his mind and stared ahead of him, making sure to keep the hot headed King in his sights.

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