Chapter 17: Revelations of the Heart

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Warning: Spoiler on a deleted scene from Season 4 (I just had to use the scene they took out from ep2 I believe; it was just so heart wrenching that I had to give my own twist to it.)

Chapter 17: Revelations of the Heart

Merlin tried to make out some of the voices dancing just right out of his reach, his head felt like it had been beaten up by one of Arthur's maces and his body felt like mush. He slowly wiggled his toes and fingers, moving up to bigger limbs. Once he had enough energy, Merlin tried to open his eyes. He had to blink a few times before the swirls of color turned to solid objects.

"Aw, your awake my little bird." Roderick said with a hint of amusement as he moved towards the bed and with a gloved hand pried the handkerchief from around Merlin's neck, tying his capture's hands to one of the bed posts. Merlin tried to fight him off, but the truth of his weak body ran painfully in his stomach when Roderick kneed him. He let himself fall back towards the bed and onto his side as he gasped for breath.

"Now, you should know better than that. " Roderick scolded Merlin as he walked towards the farthest wall and opened the dresser. "Just sit there and wait for the show to start. You are going to love how it ends." And with that the arrogant prince removed the dagger from underneath a set of garments and made his way back to Merlin, never taking his eyes from him.

Merlin didn't want to think of what Roderick planned to do with the dagger and as the bed dipped with his weight Merlin's heart skipped a beat. "Relax, this isn't meant for you. It was prepared for someone very special." Roderick whispered into Merlin's ear as he trailed a line across the faded blue shirt before tucking it safely behind his back under his coat. He pulled his gloves off and tossed them on the bed.

"Why are you doing this Roderick? Why do you hate Camelot so much?" Merlin managed to say as Roderick's lips graced his own. "You mean to say why I hate Arthur so much, don't you?" the young prince replied back as he tugged at Merlin's clothes. Finally giving in, Roderick kissed him deeply, biting his lower lip, drawing blood. Merlin winched and twisted underneath, he quickly shut his eyes as they began to glow gold.

A vase shook violently and then fell to the ground breaking into a million pieces. Then the shields on the wall near the bed started to shake. Roderick pulled away turning his attention to the racket behind him, thinking Arthur had already come and was trying to barge through the locked door. There was a click as a key was inserted and the door opened to reveal a very smug Ivor. "Am I interrupting?" he asked as he closed the door and locked it, sticking the key into his pocket.


Arthur entered his room and quickly made his way to his sword still lying across his desk; Merlin had forgotten to give it to him when he had left to meet with his people. He sheathed it and made his way back to the courtyard, where his knights and horse were waiting. As he was about to turn the final corridor, a noise brought him to a halt. Arthur turned and moved towards the direction the sound had come, only to rush to Gwaine's side when the drugged Knight stumbled around the corner.

Gwaine fell back to the ground with a curse on his lips. Arthur was about to ask what had happened when the knight spoke up. "Forget about me, go to Merlin. He is in danger." Time seemed to stop as Arthur's heart jumped out of his chest. "He is in Roderick's chambers." Gwaine managed to say as he once again lost consciousness.

Arthur lost no time in making his way to Roderick's chambers. He barged through them caring not that they were locked, the hinges half hanging and half clinging to the walls. Ivor quickly stepped in front of Arthur, but was no match for the fury that now over took the King's sense. He effortlessly knocked Ivor out with two precise moves and marched towards the bed. The young King's eyes reflect a murderous intent and his lips were spread thin.

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