Chapter 22: Dwindling Hope

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Chapter 22: Dwindling Hope

Arthur and Gwaine looked at the small hut as they moved cautiously towards it; it looked quite old and rundown, but far from abandoned. They couldn't make anything or tell if anyone was inside, but it was soon confirmed that its inhabitant did not linger when Arthur barged through the door. The force had the wood almost snapping in half as the King forced his way in.

Gwaine moved past the King and throughout the small confinement to stop in front of a small poorly constructed bed. He stared at the pieces of rope and cloth lying on the ground near it and pushed it around with his boot. "Whoever was here might return. I want a few men set up outside around this place; the rest will come with me and continue the search." Arthur ordered as he looked up at Gwaine and the two other knights that had managed to squeeze inside.

He moved back out the crooked doorway and scanned the area, clearly remembering never seeing a hut in these parts of the woods so close to Camelot. Arthur made his way to the rest of the knights that had remained outside and were huddled together having already finished securing the rest of the perimeter. Gwaine soon followed, giving one last glance at the old hut, and made his way deeper into the woods.


The villagers in the market were busy as they went about their usual business, a few passed by in a hurry while others took their time looking at the various items on display for them. Gaius signed as he looked at his still empty basket. He had made his way to the market in an attempt to give Merlin some space, but the worry in his heart made it impossible for him to think of anything especially shopping for herbs.

"What the..., Merlin?" Gaius called out as he turned around and spotted the young warlock making his way through the market. "Merlin...?" Gaius called out again, this time his face was filled with greater confusion as he made to follow, quickly setting back down the herbs in his hands. As he caught up with Merlin a gasp of surprise escaped his lips at the golden eyes staring down at him through lowered lashes. "Merlin what are you doing? You know the dangers of using magic in the open." Gaius whispered moving Merlin off to the side as another villager passed them by, this time a little too close for comfort.

Merlin moved Gaius' hand from his arm and kept moving, unresponsive to his questions or his surroundings. Gaius looked around frantically grasping the dangerous situation and his fingers clasped around the handle of a metal pan. He swung it at Merlin's head knocking the enchanted young warlock to the ground. He quickly hid it behind his back and shrugged at the onlookers who had stopped to stare. "The boy suffers from fainting spells." Gaius sheepishly said as a nervous smile crossed his face to hide his worried state.

Quickly setting the metal pan back where he had gotten it, the physician moved to kneel next to Merlin and lifted one eyelid. He sighed in relief as he stared at the blue eye underneath. Merlin slowly stirred and moaned as the pain ran through his head. "Why am I on the ground Gaius? And why does my head feel like it's just been hit by something metal?" Merlin asked as he moved to get up and rubbed the back of his head, his hair sticking out in all directions.

"I think you tripped and must have hit your head." Gaius replied as he reached for his basket and also rose to his feet. "Gaius what am I doing in the market?" Merlin asked as he looked around taking his surroundings in for the first time. "Don't ask me you've always been a puzzle to me Merlin. Come on we should get you back to your room and check on that thick head of yours." The physician continued as he led Merlin back to the castle grounds.


Arthur looked at the ring he held in his gloved hand and slowly turned it in his fingers, his eyes softening for just a moment. The ring had once belonged to his future Queen and had brought him misery to look at it. Now he held it and looked at it for an entirely different reason. With one final glance at it Arthur set the ring back into his pocket, his face red and flustered at the memories of the images that had run through his mind.

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