Chapter 24: Nature's Tears

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Chapter 24: Nature's Tears

A moan escaped Arthur's lips as he moved to sit up, running a stiff hand over his face and through his hair in an attempt to recall what had happened. His eyes fell on his bloodied hand and torn armor, a million questions boggling his mind as he noticed the wound was gone. The young King quickly bolted to his feet as he searched for Merlin, his eyes landed on Gwaine. He grabbed his sword and quickly moved towards the knight just as he was also stirring back to consciousness.

"Where's Merlin?" Arthur asked as he helped the dazed Knight to his feet and was met with a clueless stare that soon became one of worry, very much like his own. Their eyes fell on the dead body of the witch, the severe burns and wounds all over her body providing proof of the battle that had taken place and of how close they had come to death. Arthur turned once more to search for Merlin, his eyes resting on the fallen Knights.

Gwaine reached for his sword, moved towards the witch and swung it with renewed strength, a small trail of blood appeared on the dead witch's neck before her head fell to the ground, completely separated from its body. "You can never be too sure." The Knight seriously replied as Arthur shot him a blank stare and then looked back at the severed head.

He quickly stepped back as the body started to dissolve, melting into the dirt at a surprising rate, only the remaining pieces of what had been her black cloak and robe lay in the darkened dirt. "That's just gross." Gwaine exclaimed picking up a boot and scrapping it on the grass, trying to remove some of the gunk that had managed to cling to it. Suddenly it started to rain; small droplets fell on their faces as the trees sang with glee for the long needed moisture.

"Check for survivors." Arthur ordered as he made his way past the small clearing, towards the denser parts of the woods, catching sight of footprints that led in that direction. Gwaine quickly moved from one Knight to the next, but found none, they were all dead. The worry for his friend started to consume his thoughts once more and Gwaine looked around, his eyes frantically jumping from one tree to the next, from one patch of ground to its adjacent brother.

Arthur's heart broke in half as his hopeful eyes fell on Merlin's limp form. He rushed to his side, almost losing his ability to walk, kneeled and slipped his arm under Merlin's back, bringing the young warlock against his heavy chest. "Merlin...Stay with me Merlin....Merlin" Arthur yelled at the still closed eyes of his manservant, his armor now soaked in Merlin's blood as he tightened his hold

He gently shook Merlin in an attempt to wake him, but to no avail, his wet face was still motionless. Arthur rested his forehead on Merlin's, his body shaking from the sobs that ransacked through his composure like nothing. The despair that enveloped his entire being was more than he could bear and he let out a scream that rang loud and desperate, one of a man who had lost it all in a blink of an eye.

Gwaine's eyes fell on the seal laying silently on the ground, and slowly picked it up unsure what to do with it. He moved towards where Arthur half kneeled, half sat with Merlin in his arms, his own heart giving way at the unwanted truth of losing his only true friend. Memories of when Merlin had first clumsily entered his life and branded himself in his heart, forging an undying friendship, ran through Gwaine's mind and threatened to topple the noble Knight to the ground. His eyes ran over Merlin's thin frame almost lost in the other's overpowering frantic embrace.

"Arthur, I think it would be best if we..." Gwaine started to say, taking note of the rain quickly picking up speed and the darkness spreading through the woods. He left what he was trying to say unfinished when Arthur's painful eyes rose to meet his before scanning Merlin's pale face for signs of life. The unmistakable regret on the young King's face silenced him instantly and he just stood there, allowing him his final partings.

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