Chapter 18: Finding the Cure

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Chapter 18: Finding the Cure

Merlin's eyes flashed gold as the glow spread through the entire box, the inside streamed a pure white light, blinding and mesmerizing at the same time. Merlin shook his head a bit dazed once the box turned back to normal. He stared at it, resting in his hands now completely opened, and the piece of parchment resting neatly in the middle of it; his fingers softly grazed it breaking the enchantment.

Taking it out, Merlin unfolded it, laying the box back on the bed forgotten. The parchment looked very old and his eyes quickly glanced over it to linger on the single word written on it, "Emrys". Merlin slowly lowered the parchment; it almost fell from his grasp as his mind filled with many new questions. Who could have sent it? Who else other than Gaius knew the name the druids called him? A look of worry crossed his face as he set the letter back in the box and closed it.

Just then a gentle knock on the door made Merlin look up. Gaius stuck his finger through the hole and gently unlocked it, pushing it open as he greeted the young warlock. "Merlin, I thought I find you here." The physician said as he looked at Merlin and then at the box in his hands. The question in his mind never reached his lips as Merlin offered the box to him.

"I found it on my bed." Merlin replied tilting his eyes slightly upwards to stare at the open window in his room, his ears slightly ringing. Gaius opened it with care and took the piece of parchment out, setting the box on Merlin's table.

Gaius' eyebrow rose as he stared at it, turning the parchment over and inspecting the back of it before turning his attention to the box. "Merlin, this isn't good."

"Where are you going?" Gaius asked after Merlin failed to reply and rose from his bed. "To find Evelyn," Merlin said as he stepped down the steps and made his way over to the main door. "Be careful, if she does have magic we don't know how powerful she is." The physician warned as he looked back to the box still in his hands, the intricate carvings making his eyebrow stand up even higher than before.


Arthur turned the seal over in his hands; his face contorted with pain and confusion. When Merlin had rushed out, he had tried to follow and jumped out of bed only to fall to the floor as the wound on his side reopened. He looked at his now fully bloodstained bandages and cursed, the idea of having his guards bring Merlin to him had crossed his mind. But he doubted that would solve anything, he would give Merlin time to think.

Leaning his head back on the headboard, the young King let his mind get filled with more pleasant thoughts of his beloved. The seal clasped gently in his left hand, he pressed the bandages with his right in an attempt to make the throbbing go away. A swift knock came and then his door opened, a guard stepped in, "Gaius is here." And with that Arthur was left alone with the physician.

"Sire, I came to see..." Gaius started to say and then he spotted the tray of medicines still untouched sitting on the table. He walked over to them and brought the tray to the King's bed. "I came to see how you were doing and to make sure you had taken the medicines I prepared for you." The physician finished as he uncorked the first vial and handed it to Arthur.

Arthur groaned as he forced the vile liquid down his throat and handed the now empty vial to Gaius. "Seriously do they all have to taste this disgusting Gaius?" He asked as he was handed another one, but this time the liquid was thick and black. He drank every bottle that was handed to him, some he had to empty all the contents others he was lucky to only drink a small portion.

"It is necessary sire; they will help to bring your health back." Gaius said as he set the tray back on the table and turned to eye the bloodstained bandages. "Your wound will need to be stitched back up." And with that he picked up his medicine bag and moved back to the bed.

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