Sweet Little Lies #2

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A/N: Kinda requested.


(Semi-Broken) Demus

Continuation of 'Sweet Little Lies'


Janus and Remus have been arguing for over 30 minutes. Janus, guilty as ever was trying to explain why he did it but Remus wouldn't take Janus' "bullshit".

"Remus I did it because you wouldn't talk to me!"

"I had a reason for not talking to you, Snake!"

Snake. Janus hated being called that. However, he ignored the nickname. "Just listen. Please!"

"No! Y'know what! We're over!" Remus snapped.


Remus pushed Janus out of the room. "You promised me and you lied! I thought I could trust you! J-just leave me alone!" He yelled before slamming the door in Janus' face.

Janus stood outside of the room, dumbfounded at what had just happened. He just got dumped. The lying trait could hear quiet sobs again, a bit louder than last time. Janus went to knock on the door before stopping himself, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere by doing that.

In the end, Janus went back to his room, plopping on his bed and holding his head in his hands. He had to come up with some sort of apology for Remus.

Janus got out pen and paper, writing a note and walking over to Remus' room, slipping the note under the door and rushing off to the imagination.

Remus, being the curious side he is, picked up the note, reading it.

~Meet me in the imagination in an hour... I'm really sorry, Rem...~

He stared at the note for a moment, regret bubbling up inside him and he tore the note in half, throwing the paper to the floor as he slid down the wall, crying again.

~~~Timeskip brought to you by my Remus' tears~~~

Janus had everything set up. A beautiful garden in the imagination with all dark green roses. A couple of yellow snakes could be seen weaving through the rose bushes.

Now all he had to do was wait.

Remus still had traces of run-down makeup on his face as he walked out of his room, sinking down to the imagination and gasping at the view.

"J-Jan... I..."

Remus was tackled in a hug. "I-I'm so so so so sorry, Rem..."

He hugged back, his eyes still on the roses. "Y-you did this..? F-for me..?"

"Of course I did..."

Remus kissed Janus on the forehead. "I'm sorry too... I was just upset..."

"I-It's okay..."

"I love you."

"Love you too..."

A/N: Myes. This one-shot is satisfactory. I mean I could've done better but eh-

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