He Knows

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The light to his darkness

The sunshine to his rain

The person he gave everything too

It was all gone within an instant

The friendship

Hugging his knees, the boy curled up, wanting to escape the world

Escape everything

The grandfather clock down the hall ticked away, reminding the boy of the passage of time

He knew what he needed to do

But he didn't know if he had the strength to do it




The time flew by

A couple minutes turned into a couple hours. A couple hours turned into a couple days

It was agony

Sitting in silence, hoping his lost friend would come back

That he'd be able to fight the curse the snake had laid upon him

That he'd be able to fight his way out

But Patton never did like confrontation

And Roman knew that

A/N: This was just something short so I can get back into the habit of writing. This chapter is all based on your perspective so I wanna see what y'all think! Leave a comment! Bye everyone!

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