The Only One

176 15 21

A/N: Not requested. This has 1678 words so I was motivated as frICK to write this-



(Broken) Prinxiety 

(Platonic) Logince



Roman held his sword in one hand and his brother's mace in the other, standing above the bloodied and bruised Remus before him.

"Y-You... You're the reason Thomas is so screwed up!"

"Ro, I-I..." Remus' voice trailed off, eyeing his mace. He figured if he grabbed it swiftly enough, he'd be able to catch Roman off guard. He'd do it if it weren't for the fact that his arms were going numb and everything was getting a bit... fuzzy.

"YOU'RE THE REASON I WAS CALLED EVIL!" Roman yelled, kicking Remus into the wall while the demented twin winced and let out a small groan in pain.

"Roman I-" Remus spat out some pink blood. This wasn't looking good for him. "I-I wasn't there during the video..! W-what are you talking about!?"

"You and your little..." Roman tried gesturing to what he was attempting to say. "Boyfriend, have ruined everything!"

"What does Janus have to d-" Remus let out a small cry of agony as his mace was pressed to his chest. "J-JAN! VIRGE!"

"Oh, ho, ho! They can't help you now, you mistake." Roman spat, pressing the mace harder.

Remus winced, trying to push the mace off of him. "R-Ro you cant just fucking kill me! Thomas n-needs me!"

"Bullshit!" Roman growled, lifting the mace and Remus letting out a shaky sigh of relief before fear flashes in his eyes as Roman raises the mace above his head.

All Remus' sees before he goes limp and numb is his mace coming down onto his head.

Roman snarled, taking his sword and giving Remus a quick stab in the chest, confirming to himself that his twin was...

Was dead.

"If I'm the evil twin..." Roman started, throwing the mace in front of Remus. "Then I guess it's best I'm the only one..."

Roman turned to walk away before a twinge of guilt shot through his body, the weight of the situation sinking in.

He had just killed another side.

His brother.

Maybe there was still hope..?

"L-Logan!" Roman called out, going to sit in front of his brother. He placed two fingers to Remus' neck, looking for a pulse.


"LOGAN THIS IS AN EMERGENCY PLEASE!" He yelled, tears starting to make their way down the side of the creative side's face.

Logan rose up, annoyed and riddled with slight concern. "Roman what seems to be- Oh shit. WHAT THE-"

"JUST HELP, PLEASE!" Roman yelled, His voice becoming hoarse.

"EXPLAIN!" Logan yelled, failing to stay calm as he pushed Roman to the side and examined Remus' several wounds.

"H-he... I-I..."

Logan summoned bandages and medical supplies, knowing he wouldn't have enough time to carry Remus to a bed to properly assist him. "YOU DID THIS!?" 

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