Episode 1: The Vanishing Of Will Byers

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It's a cool night on November 6th, 1983 in the quaint little town of Hawkins, Indiana when my life drastically turns from the normal boring day to day routine into something more horrifying than anything I had ever imagined.

I arrive home from a camp trip that me and my best friend Robin went on as a going away-type deal. I grew up with her. She was my best friend for twelve years. Her parents wanted to move to the city though, so we went camping on her last day in Hawkins.

It's three in the morning when I come home. I don't bother to unpack. All I do is walk inside, exhausted, and crash on the couch.

Never did I think to check inside my little brother's room to see if he was there.

I wake up to something small prodding my side as I sink further into the cushions of our couch. I open my eyes as I hear my mother, Joyce, scavenging for her car keys and my half-brother, Jonathan, cooking breakfast.

Jonathan is only a year younger than me at 17 and my other half-brother, Will, is younger than me by six years at 12. We have the same mother, but I have a different father. It's a good thing on my part because I don't have to be related to that douche-bag Lonnie, but Will nor Jonathan ever deserved a father like him. My father was never in the picture, but it's still better than being related to Lonnie. Though it sucked to have only him around as the only father figure that I had even though I've never once even thought about calling him 'Dad'.

I reach for the thing that is digging into my ribs and pull it out of the couch cushions.

My mom's car keys.

I hold them out to her. "Here, Mom." I drowsily slur with a quiet morning voice as I blink the sleepiness out of my eyes.

She gasps and grabs them from my hand. "Thank you sweetheart and welcome back home." She leans down and kisses my forehead with a smile.

I smile back. "Good to be home." I say.

"You might wanna get up. School starts soon." Mom says as she walks back over to Jonathan, who is still at the stove cooking breakfast. She picks up her purse. "Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight." She squeezes his shoulder.

"Yeah, see you later." Jonathan says as he scrapes the eggs onto three plates.

Mom turns around to notice that Will is nowhere to be seen. "Where's Will?" She asks while grabbing at nothing to gesture that he isn't in the room.

"Oh, I didn't get him up yet." Jonathan says as he continues to scrape the eggs onto the plates. "He's probably still sleeping."

Mom sighs. "Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!" She says.

"Mom, I'm making breakfast. Can't Y/n do it every once in a while?" Jonathan asks.

I point at him with a sleepy finger. "I'm barely up myself. Don't drag me into this."

"You have to do it too sometimes, Y/n. I only gave you a free shot today because of your long night." Mom says as she walks down the hallway to Will's room. "Will!" She claps. "Come on, honey. It's time to get up." She goes silent for a second. I sit up and rub my eyes with a tired yawn. Mom walks back down the hallway. "He came home last night, right?" She asks us.

"He's not in his room?" Jonathan asks as he puts the plates on the table.

"Did he come home or not?" Mom asks impatiently as she rounds the table.

"I don't know." Jonathan quietly says, already knowing what he's about to get into.

"You don't know?" Mom asks angrily.

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