Episode 1: MADMAX

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[Stranger Things Season 2]

It's around Halloween time nearly a year later. Mom has gotten more cautious about Will's whereabouts, but we are just glad he's home. Everything has been pretty normal. Mom got a new boyfriend who is super sweet, but he's just painfully normal. Will has been going to therapy sessions because the doctors say that he has PTSD from his experience from the Upside Down. He has to go to Hawkins Lab to get treated because we aren't supposed to say anything about what happened.

The lab is now run by someone new because Dr. Brenner, the man who used Eleven as a lab rat and ran the lab, was dead. He was killed by the 'Demogorgon', the monster, when it invaded the school. Based on what the boys said, Eleven killed it before she totally disappeared. We don't know if she's dead or not.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I walk out of my classroom and out to the parking lot where I see my 1980 Ford Courier. Mom and Jonathan decided to get together and buy me a truck for Christmas. It's might've been my only Christmas present, but it was the best present ever.

I open the door and get in as I wait for Jonathan to come out. We switch off who drives to school every day. Jonathan finally comes out of the school with a sullen look on his face. He gets in the truck and sighs.

I look at Jonathan with a questioning gaze. "What's up?" I ask.

Jonathan shakes his head. With a slight blush on his face.

I smirk. "Is this about Steve and Nancy?" I ask.

"What? No!" Jonathan defends himself.

"Mm-hmm." I murmur as I back out of the parking lot.

"Seriously. It's not about them." Jonathan says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say, brother."

Jonathan sighs. Nancy and Steve got back together and I can tell it's bothering him, but, to be honest, I don't think it's going to last, especially with mine and Steve's class graduating this year. Jonathan and Nancy are a year below us, plus I see her making goo goo eyes at Jonathan all the time, but that's not for me to tell.

We get home and, a few hours later, Mom and Will come home as well. Bob, Mom's new boyfriend, comes a little later for movie night.

We sit on the couch watching a comedy called 'Mr. Mom'. Bob laughs as if it's the funniest thing in the world and Mom and Will laugh with him. Jonathan yawns as I slump further into my seat as I munch on a small bowl of popcorn.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing. Mom looks slightly scared. It's too late to be getting a phone call.

"Hey." Bob puts his hand on hers. "It's okay. Let it go. Probably just a crank call." Mom smiles at him and nods. They let the phone ring.

After the movie I go right to sleep after saying goodnight to everyone.

*511 words

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