Chapter 6: E Pluribus Unum

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We stand there, watching as the gate slowly opens again. We leave and go back down the stairs.

"I don't understand. You guys have seen this before?" Erica asks as we walk down the stairs.

"Not exactly." Steve answers.

"Then what, exactly?" Erica asks.

"All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin says.

"It's really bad." I agree.

"Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin says as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asks as we walk back into the comms room.

As we look at the empty spot where the Russian guy was, the alarms start to blare.

"Shit." Steve mumbles as he runs to the door and opens it to see the guy out there with a bunch of other guys surrounding him. They spot Steve and start to rush towards us. Steve closes the door. "Shit. Go, go, go, go!" He yells at us and we start running back up the stairs.

We run back through the door and to where all the scientists were. They all turn to look at us before we turn and run through a door and down the steps to the machine that was opening the gate. We stop when we hit a ledge, the laser cutting us off from turning.

Dustin starts panicking and saying, 'Holy shit.' Over and over again as we think of something to do. Steve turns around and spots another stair case.

"This way!" He yells and we follow.

We get cut off by some more guards and Steve pushes some barrels into them. We continue to run through a door and Steve slams it behind him. We stop and look for somewhere to go.

Steve struggles to hold the door closed, so I help him. The kids found an air vent they can fit through. They call for us to hurry, but if we do, we'd be letting all of the guards in, so we told them to go. Right as they close the grate, the guards break in, throwing us across the floor. They yell at us and point guns in our faces and we just sit there with our hands up"


They take us to separate rooms and interrogate us before they drag us to another room. I struggle against them, demanding them to let me go until they throw me on the floor beside a limp Steve.

"Hey." I call as I sit up and slightly shake Steve. "Steve?" Thats when I notice how beat up he looks. I continue to call his name until another guy walks in. He looks more important than the rest. I look up at him. "What did you do to him? What did you do!?" Before I can say anything else, the guy reels his hand back and backhands me, causing me to fall back down onto the ground.

The guy orders the soldiers to do something and they respond before picking us up and sitting us on chairs, back to back.

"Steve- Steve, wake up. Steve?" I call to him as they wrap belts around us, tying us together. Once they finish, the important-looking guy lifts Steve's head by his hair. "Don't touch him!" I spit with venom.

The guy clicks his tongue and shakes his head before letting Steve go and Wilmington his hand off. I continue to try and wake Steve, but to no avail.

"I think your friend need a doctor." The guy says with a Russian accent as he walks around Steve to me. I look up at him with hatred in my eyes. "Good thing..." The guy smiles and bends down to my level. "We have the very best." He looks at the other soldiers and laughs before turning back to me. He stops laughing when I spit in his face. He uses his hankie to wipe the spit out of his eyes before looking at me with anger. I glare at him confidently. "You're going to regret that, little bitch." He says with a shake of his head, saying 'little bitch' in Russian.

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