Episode 2: Trick or Treat, Freak

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We wake up like usual. Jonathan makes breakfast for all of us. Mom goes to wake up Will. I sit at the table and revise my essay that I had to write for English class.

"Jonathan? Y/n?" Mom comes rushing down the hallway.

"Yeah?" We both call back to her.

"Where's Will?" She asks.

"What?" Jonathan asks as I stand from the table.

"Where's Will?" She repeats more urgently.

"He's not in his room?" Jonathan asks.

"No." Mom answers.

There's a sudden sound from the bathroom that sounds distinctly like a toilet seat. I sit back down and continue my homework. Mom runs to the bathroom before coming back with relief on her face.

After breakfast, Will comes out, decked in his ghost busters outfit for Halloween today. Jonathan uses his camera to take pictures of him. I laugh as Will does silly poses.

Him and his friends are all going as the ghost busters. They wanted to wear their costumes to school like every year.

Jonathan drives today. We get in the car and leave for school. It goes by like normal. I submitted my essay and got an A plus which is pretty neat and before I know it, school's over. I planned on staying inside this Halloween as Jonathan and Will go trick-or-treating. I wanted to finish the horror story I was writing. It's perfect for Halloween.

"Hey, um, so I was planning to go to this- this stupid party tonight, so..." Jonathan starts after a bit of silent driving.

"I thought you were gonna go trick-or-treating with Will." I say as I look over at him.

He stays silent. My mouth opens in a silent 'oh'. "Nancy's gonna be there, huh?" I smirk.

Jonathan sighs. "Yes. She's going to be there."

"So you want me to go with Will?" I ask and Jonathan only nods. "Okay."

The rest of the ride is comfortably quiet save for the music playing from the radio.

We get home and Bob, dressed in his Dracula outfit, shows us how to use his new video camera. We go out to Jonathan's car and drive to Mike's where the boys decided to meet at.

"I just don't get what she sees in him." Jonathan says. At first I think he's talking about Nancy before he clarifies.

"What?" Will asks.

"Bob." Jonathan says with a slight cringe.

"At least he doesn't treat me different." Will mutters. "I mean, I can't even go trick-or-treating by myself. It's lame."

"You think we're lame?" I ask with a slight teasing smile.

"No, but it's not like Nancy's coming to watch over Mike, you know?" Will says and Jonathan sighs.

"Well, I partly came because I wanted some free candy." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"But you're almost an adult. Well, technically you are one." Will says as he looks at me.

I shrug. "It's free candy. Plus, why not have a little fun before I have real responsibilities, you know?"

Will nods. "I just wish that everyone will stop treating me like I'm an eggshell that's about to collapse in on itself at any kind of... poke."

I sigh as we make it to Mike's house.

"Hey, listen. I didn't really wanna go anyway. How about you and Y/n go by yourselves, huh?" Jonathan says.

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