Episode 7: The Bathtub

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Mom comes in with furrowed brows and Hopper following at her heels. I smile guiltily at her while Jonathan lowers his head.

"Jonathan? Y/n? Jesus, what... what happened!?" She gestures to my bruised and slightly bloody head and to the ice pack in Jonathan's cuffed hands.

"Ma'am..." The officer from before, Cal, says as he walks over.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?" Mom asks the officer.

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why." Cal answers.

"Take them off." Mom orders angrily.

"I am afraid I cannot do that."

"Take them off!" She orders more strictly this time.

"You heard her. Take 'em off." Hopper jumps in.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see." Another officer says before Hopper, Cal, and him go outside.

"Oh, your head." Mom mutters as she looks at the bloody bruise on the right side of my forehead.

I shake my head. "I'm okay." I mutter and send her a smile. She just looks worriedly between us before Hopper comes back in with our box of hunting gear. Uh-oh.

He slams the box onto the table and Mom looks inside. "What is this?"

"Why don't you ask your son. We found it in his car." Hopper says as he looks at Jonathan.

"What?" Mom asks in disbelief.

"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan asks as he leans forward.

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Hopper asks as he leans forward as well, intimidating Jonathan. "I wanna see you in my office." Hopper looks between me, Nancy, and Jonathan.

"You won't believe us." I say as I cross my arms.

"Why don't you give me a try?"


We go into his office with Mom following behind. We explain to Hopper and Mom what we know about the thing. We even showed the picture to them.

"You say blood draws this thing?" Hopper asks as he looks up at us from the picture.

"We don't know." Jonathan answers unsurely.

"It's just a theory." Nancy says as she shakes her head.


Jonathan, Mom, and I stand outside of the office.

"We're sorry, Mom." I murmur.

"What, you're sorry? You're... you're sorry? That is not good enough." Mom says.

"We know." Jonathan mumbles.

"It's not even close. That's not even in the... in the ballpark."

"We wanted to tell you, we just-" I try to explain.

"What if this thing took you guys, too?" Mom's voice wavers as tears fill her eyes. "You risked your life... and Nancy's."

"I- I thought I could save Will... I still do." Jonathan stammers.

"This is not yours to fix with just the two of you. Especially you, Jonathan. You act like you're all alone out there in the world, but you're not. You're not alone." Mom lets a tear fall.

"I know." Jonathan murmurs.

"God damn it, you two." Mom sighs before pulling us in for a hug. "Damn it..."

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