1 - Dance In The Rain (Soviet x Wallachia)

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Requested by: Sailor24Wallachia

Rain hit the side of Wallachia's house, the thunder and lightning lighting up the dark interior. Wallachia was waiting for Soviet, who probably wouldn't show up in weather like this.

He sighed, "I guess I'll just go sleep." He stirred his tea, walking to his room. He sat on his bed, placing the tea on his bedside table.

Just then, a knock came from his door. Wallachia stood up, walking downstairs. He opened the door and saw Soviet, drenched in rain, smiling sheepishly.

Wallachia grabbed him from the rain, "What were you thinking!? You could have gotten sick!" He sighed, exasperated. He poured some of the still-hot water for Soviet, making some more tea.

When they were in the living room, Wallachia started a record on his record player.

He held out his hand to Soviet, "Care for a dance?"

Soviet smiled, gently taking Wallachia's hand. He kissed it softly, "Always with you."

They waltzed the night away, not caring about any other responsibilities or worries.

Just each other and the music.

Sorry, that really sucked
Words: 181

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