05 | Why Do You Keep Appear?

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"Aurora! Why are taking out an English book at History class?" Amy asked.

That's when I realize the mistake and quickly take out the History book. Our teacher is strict and just one small mistake you will be punished.

"Oh, thanks for telling." I thanked her.

"That isn't important. What is important is you, Aurora."

"Me?" I asked with a weird tone. What's wrong with me.

"Yes, you! Ever since we get back to class after meeting Leon you been acting strange and clueless. Is there something wrong?"

"No.... And it's nothing related to Leon ok?" I quickly add up as I don't want Amy to misunderstood.

"Well if it's isn't Leon.... Than is it, Liam?" She said with a childish tone.

"Quiet! Don't let Liam hear!" I said as Liam is just two seats beside us. "And no! It's not Liam!"

"Oh come on.... You know that you like him. Besides, I am your best friend. I understands you the most in this whole academy."

I just rolled my eyes and quickly concentrated on what the teacher is saying. I have a feeling that he is going to throw something at me again if I didn't stop the conversation just now.

~Time Skip~

I yawned after a long time of studying. The next week is the final exam for this year so I gotta study hard.

But Amy just relax and her day went like nothing happened. I checked my homework one last time before went to bed.

I closed my eyes after off the lights and room is as dark as a solar eclipse. I could feel the cold wind coming in, but I didn't bother it and went to sleep.


Nothing, is here. When I opened my eyes there's nothing in this world except white. Pure white.

There is anyone one or anything here. I continued my search and suddenly I saw a tiny little black dot ahead.

It's getting farther and farther from me so I chased after it. It keep turn to another direction Everytime when I am quite close to it.

However, I didn't give up and increased my speed. The shape of it is quite familiar.

After a long time I finally catch up to it. I pat on it back and it turned around. I was shocked, real shocked to see who it is.

Out of so many people, why is it him? Why is he here? Where is everyone else? A million questions popped out of my head when I saw who is in front of me.


Right now, only than I can clearly see him. He has a long wing, much more bigger than mine, around Liam size.

It's body is in good shape, I can see that he went for exercise. The triangle at his chest, shines brightly when I see it.

And his face. It's... Cute, I guess? He has a warm smile, which makes me feel calm and happy. His eyes is like the deep sea, dark blue, yet attracts people to keep look at him.

I kept seeing him, and my heart, it's pounding fast, really fast. I didn't realize that I am walking towards him. Each step I took my heart skipped another beat.

When I finally came back to reality, I quickly walked back until we have a proper distance.

"Can I help you Aurora?" He asked gently, with a nice smile on his face.

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

"Yes. Just g-"

However, he didn't had the time to finished his sentance. A magical powers slowly made him into ashes. I was scared at the time, not knowing what to do.

First I am lost, and when I finally found someone, his gone. I closed my eyes, and screamed loudly, hoping that my fear is gone.


I woke up, seeing Amy at the bed beside me. She is sleeping, sometimes mumbling. It's, just a dream.

But, there is still one question in my head. Why, does Leon appear in my dream?


I went to the cafeteria with Amy, Leon and Liam. We sat down and ate some salad. Yum, there's Pinap Berry in it!

We talked about the coming exam and the project that they needed to do. From what I heard, it took a lot of work.

"Wait, so must I do it too or..." I asked.

"I am not really sure about it, we should ask Rayquaza as he is our class teacher."

"Stop talking about this, it's so boring. Hey, I heard that Leon got his tenth confession yesterday!" Amy said with excitement.

After a week we became friends, Amy doesn't put too much attention at her studies but her fun and mostly, love.

"Why didn't you tell me bro? Did you accepted it, and who is it?" Liam asked with a childish face.

I didn't care much and just told them what happened. From head to tail of course, or else they wouldn't give up.

"But I rejected that Celebi anyway."

"Why do you just keep reject everyone?" Liam asked me.

"I don't know, I just don't have any feeling for them I guess.... Why, you want a girlfriend?"

"No thanks, I don't need any help. Besides, I already got someone I like."

Well, guess he said the wrong word, because that just lead Amy to keep on ask him.

I left them after saying goodbye, and went to find Rayquaza. I am just worried if I need to do it, cause I don't like doing big, enormous projects.

I went into the teachers room, where is restricted for students. But after a long explanation to tell the teachers the reason, I finally went in.

I also need to ask some of the teachers for directions. And let me tell you, they were fierce. But I guess that Rayquaza isn't free because when I was there, he is gone.

I decided to head back to class. But when I was on the way I heard some shouting and yelling.

I went to find the source because it sounds like someone needs help. When I finally saw what was happening, I was shocked and surprised.

There were some Salamance and Dragonites bullying someone, and that someone is none other than......

Notifications 11th of July 2020

Hi guys. Another cliffhanger! Now only I noticed that I had updated a lot in this story and forgotten "The Battle of Gods". So I think I will stop this for a while and update "The Battle of Gods".

If you guys like this story please vote and share my story. Thanks very much!

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