12 | To A New School......

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~Time Skip~

"Wait, Mr Leon!"

I turned around. A big dragon appeared in front of my eyes, giving me quite a surprise.

It has a long green body, two hands and sharp claws. It's eyes is black and yellow, just like a full moon in a dark cold night.

One look at it, and everyone can recognize him. It's none other than the Sky High Pokemon, Rayquaza.


It's dawn, and I was on my way to Rain Academy, which is around Legends Academy's area. I was quite nervous to go to a new school, even do this is my third time.

"Look Mr Leon, I just wanted t-"

"Please, just Leon. That will be enough."

"Oh, alright then. Look Leon, I just wanted to apologize once again. I tried my best to prove your innocence, but it was no use as none of them believed. "

"It's ok. I understand."

"Thanks for your understanding. If you need any help, just tell me and I will be right there."

"Ok. However, do you mind me asking, what do you mean when you said:

Until than, you are just a weakling.

When we first met?" I asked.

"Oh that...... It's your aura."


"Through your aura, I can sense that sadness, betrayal, loneliness and rage.

Those were the one that hold back your power, and stopped you from becoming stronger and better......"

"I see." I said as I thought about it for a moment. Where can it be from? Wait, could it be...... Latias and Zapdos?

"It's still locking your power, but don't worry, I know that you can get through it.

Besides, there is also someone that will be there for you, always by your side. You know her." Rayquaza said and winked at me a bit.

Rayquaza left. Right after leaving me alone here on the streets with full of question marks. Why is he acting weird. And who is that, "someone"? And Rayquaza said her, which means it's a girl......

Who is it?

~Time Skip~

"Settle down students! Today we have a new student that will join our school. Please welcome......Leon!" Kyorge said.

I went up the stage, while only some of the students clapped their hands. The assembly took a long time and all of them are either bored or tired.

The teachers saw this and quickly gave some signals to the students to clap their hands too. Since it's a order, they had no choice but to just obey it.

"Why not introduce yourself a bit?"

"No thanks, I came here to study, not to make friends with all of you." I said.

All of them were shocked to hear these words to come out from my mouth. Kyorge gave me a stern face, but I just ignored it.

Kyorge stood silent. I guess he haven't met someone like me. The students and teachers eyes' were wide open.

"If there is nothing else to say here, I shall go to my classroom."

I walked down from the stage, and went to the classroom that I was ordered to. This school isn't too big, so it's a piece of cake for me to find it.

~Time Skip~

"Leon, please go to the meeting room." Kyorge came into my classroom and said.

'Alright then.' I thought.

I stood up and went with him. Through his aura, I can feel that he is...... Unsatisfied I guess. Maybe it's because of my attitude during assembly.

We continue walk until we reached a big room, enough to fill 1,000 pokemon around my size. I walked in, and saw four pokemon that I recognize.

The Pokemon that is seating on the seat that is on the left of Kyorge is Rayquaza, from Legends Academy. He didn't look angry though, just look kind of concern.

The one that is next to Rayquaza is Groudon, the principal from my first school.

"Now what did you do?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just being me."

"Well, that's the problem......"

On the right side is both of my parents. Mom, just let out a sigh while dad was concerned about me.

I sat at the seat that is nearest to me, and asked Kyorge,

"Now, what's the problem?"

"You. Why did you disrespect me in assembly? You broke one of the school's rules!" Kyorge shouted.

"I did Not disrespect you, I just said what I wanted to say, just being who I am."

"You!" Kyorge wanted to scold me, but Rayquaza gave him a signal, telling him to stay calm.

Rayquaza sighed. He looked at me with a little sadness, mixed with disappointment. Looking at him made my heart soft a little bit. But I stopped making eye contact with him and looked away.

"Leon, you been in my school for quite a long time. You may be lazy or so, but this isn't your attitude." Groudon said to me.

"Leon, please tell me what's the problem. Don't give trouble to Mr Kyorge and the others." Mum said to me.

"......You know it...... You know the reason......" I said as I try to hold back some tears.

They thought for a moment, thinking what I meant by saying that. However, none of them had a single clue. Except one.

"You wanted to study at Legends Academy, don't you?" Rayquaza asked me.

All of them were surprised, and look at me and Rayquaza.

'Looks like they didn't thought of this. What a shame.'

I just nodded my head as a sign of Yes. I said, "Yes. I wanted to stay there, I wanted to study there......"

They just stayed silent. Not a single word came out from their mouth. They didn't knew what to say, needless to say what to do.

"But you fought with other students, and so you broke the rule." Kyorge said to me.

"No! How many times must I say this? I didn't do anything! I was just protecting Aurora that was bullied!"

They were shocked from my words. What they didn't knew, was that I kept this anger in my heart for quite a long time.

They just kept accusing me for fighting when I was doing the right thing! Can't they just see that?

I was angry at the moment, forgetting what was happening. Whether they are talking to me, or shouting at me, I didn't care.

I don't want to go to this school. I had friends there, memories that we had together. Not to mention, Aurora.

I really wished that they could just listen to me and believe in me. They can't just say I am guilty without hearing what happened, and just thought about the past!

I turned over a new leaf. I changed myself to a better person. But, they are just forcing me to be the person I was back then......

Notifications 21th of August 2020

Konnichiwa! :) How are you guys doing? Sorry for not updating a long time. That's why I am going to update a new chapter on Sunday.

And if you guys haven't heard, I am going to put the Battle of Gods on hold as I wanted to focus more on this story. Besides, less people are reading it...... :(

Anyway, be sure to vote for this chapter and follow my account. Bye!

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