09 | Will You Dance With Me?

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"Oh, hi guys. You guys came early." I said with a smile.

When we reached there, Liam and Amy were there talking with each other. It looks like they were having a good time, if not the laughing means something else.

Oh, did I say we? It meant me and Aurora.

However, Amy was acting differently when we reached here. For starters, she acted kind of weird and clumsy when she saw me. But when she saw me with Aurora she looks disappointed and sad.

It confused me as I thought I made a mistake, but I just decided to ignore it.

"So, what happened to you two?" Liam said while giving a look to me and Aurora.

"Oh, nothing. We just met at the entrance." I quickly explained before they misunderstood.

I smiled and said, "Let's get something to eat first. I am famish!"

This restaurant is the place where I celebrated my birthday last year. My parents tried to cheer me up, but it didn't work.

However, the food here is speechless! It's the best food I ever ate. It may be expensive, but it's worth it. Besides, this could be the last time we will meet each other.

I took some foods that look delicious. For instance, ramen, sushi, spaghetti and others. Sometimes when I have a tough choice between the food, I just took them all.

After all, it's an eat-for-all buffet!

Halfway, I met Amy that were taking some croissant. She saw me and tried to act natural, but ended up acting clumsy and clueless.

She quickly said,"Hey Leon."


"Umm... I thought that there were only both of us. You didn't told me that you were going to invite Aurora and Liam."

"Oh. About that, I thought that we could just go out together one last time. Who knows, it could be the last time we hang out." I said with a sad tone.

Thinking about being expelled for no reason, it hurt my heart. I really wished I could spend this time with her happily, without thinking anything else.

"Ok...... I am just curious, nothing else."

When we took all of our food and was satisfied, we sat down at the table and started eating. The place was filled with classical music, making people heart calm.

"So, what's the reason you invited us?" Aurora asked the main question.

"It's quite a big reason, so maybe you guys want to take a deep breath or calm down first....."

Liam gave me a weird look, but still followed as I said. He took a deep breath, and asked

"Ok.... Now can you tell us?"

"I am, expelled." I said.

"What?!?!" Aurora and Liam said at the same time. They were shocked to hear such big news.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"This is a big news! Why did you hide it from us?"

"Well. It's because I scared that you guys will act like this. And just like I expected, you guys will freak out."

"What do you think? You are expelled, of course we will freak out!" Liam said it out loud.

It brought the other customers attention, which is very awkward. I apologized to them, and signaled Liam to keep his voice down.

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