13 | When The Last Petal Falls

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Hi guys! Before you guys start this chapter, I just wanted to say that the things that happened here are before the last chapter, chapter 12.

Without further a due, let's start the story!

"If I kiss you another time, will you forgive me?"

His words, its still echoing in my mind. He just kissed me in a sudden, making myself that isn't prepared at all, shocked.

Just in a second, my whole body became hot, temperature kept rising up. This is my first kiss, no one ever kissed me on the lips before, not even my parents!

I never thought that he, Leon is the one that's going to kiss me. In reality, it's just ten seconds. But for me, it's ten decades.

He broke it after a moment. We looked at each other, in an awkward moment. The time stopped, the wind stood still, not a single thing moved.

I looked at Leon, and I blushed. My cheeks just keep getting redder and redder, as red as the reddest tomato that you seen.

Suddenly, he ran away in the flash of light. Guess he is feeling awkward too, just like I am.

I thought about what happened today, and it's giving me a headache as so many awkward thing happened!

"Oh Arceus, why must this day just be so awkward? Ahhh!" I shouted out loud.

"What's the problem Aurora?"

I turned around and saw my mom. I quickly hide my face, avoiding mom seeing my blushed face. However, that just caused much suspicion.

"No- Nothing! We just talked for a while...... That's all!"

"Really? Well, what did you guys talk about?"

"Umm..... About homework, and the new school, stuff like that. You know?"

"Oh, ok. Because I thought that some kissing happened......" Mom said as she smirked a little bit.

"What! Don't, don't overthink it mom. We are just friends!" I quickly said to her.

I was stammered, shocked, surprise and all other types of feeling. There is no way she saw that, she can't see it.

If she saw it, my life will be ruined. I know my mother, and if she knew something she would keep bringing it up in the future.

"I understand. This is your first time. But you just have to stay calm. If you have any trouble, just tell me."

I hesitated, and just kept on hesitating. But..... Since he left, it's a long time I didn't talked to someone. Maybe it's time I let go of it.

'Alright.' I though.

"Leon. Well, he  transferred to our school this year. Amy met him and introduced him to us. Amy, Liam, Leon and me became best friends.

But, because of some trouble that I got into, I dragged and Leon into it, and he is expelled."

"Well, that's bad......" Mom interrupted.

"Yeah, I know. This evening we had dinner together, and he asked me to dance with hi-"

"Oh. Special huh?" Mom winked at me.

"That's not the point mum!" I said to her as I blushed.

"Ok, ok. Continue."

"When we danced, we fell down and accidentally kissed.

I went back home immediately, but he followed me. We talked for a while, and I was going to forgive him. But, he just kissed me again, as a sign of confession I guess."

Mom didn't said anything this time, unexpected. Because normally she will tease me back. I sighed. If Jirachi is here, I will ask him to make this world just like I wanted.

The world will be just as peaceful as possible, no war or death. No awkward things happened. Just a simple life.

"But you aren't sure, right?" Mom asked me.

"Yes. I don't know, one night I just keep thinking about him, and have this type of feeling for him.

But actually, I liked Liam..."


"Daddy? Daddy!"

A Latios came into our house. He wore a military uniform, with badges all over it. He had a muscular body, in good shape, looked like he can take down anyone.

But, he always that indescribable smile on his face. Sometimes when I was sad or angry, he will just smile at me and comfort me.

It made me happy, made my heart warm. The sadness and anger just ran away immediately.

"Aurora! My little girl! Bring it in!" He said with his hand open.

I didn't even hesitated and ran towards him. After a long week, he finally came back. He always need to go for training and things like that, and hardly had time for this.

"You came back daddy!" He hugged me tightly, and so did I.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Can we go to the beach? I want to build a sandcastle!"

"Don't worry cupcake, I will build the biggest one for you!"

We went to the beach, and had a fun time. The air, the sand, the water there was the best. Especially when dad was there. We haven't had a fun day for a long time.

And daddy kept his promise, the sandcastle was gigantic! Daddy was the one I loved most, but he is the one that left me first......

~Time Skip~

It's morning. The sunlight came into my room, trying to wake me up. But after a long day yesterday, I was sound asleep till noon.

I hugged the pillows and plushies while sleeping. It's so comfortable there, almost impossible to wake up.

I wasn't sure when I woke up, but it should be around 12. I was still half asleep, in my dream world.

"Daddy?" I asked. But after a while, there is still no sound.

"Sweetie? You slept for a long time."

I opened my eyes fully, and saw my mom there. However, I was curious. Where is Daddy? Mum must have knew what I was thinking.

"Daddy got some work to do, and needed to go back to work. But, he left something for you."


I followed Mum, and on the table I saw a piece of note and a rose beside it.

It wrote:

Morning cupcake! How are you? Sorry, but daddy got some work to do. Now, be a good girl and listen to Mummy, ok?

Did you see the flower beside it? Oh, of course you did. It's a rose. Now, daddy is going to be away a long time, but don't worry.

When The Last Petal Falls, I will be back. Love you cupcake!

With Love,

~Flashback End~

I woke up. Midnight. And I was on the bench outside. The moonlight shone on me, and that's when I realized I am sleeping at the backyard.

Guess I must have dozed off. There was a thick blanket on me, should be Mom.

Those days were really special to me, especially when Dad was there. But, because of an incident...... He's gone.

And from that day onward, I locked myself in, and always alone.

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