14 | Suspended, Or Is It A Holiday?

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"Are you happy now? Now that you made some trouble at school, you are being suspended!"

"Come on dear, we know that Leon doesn't want this too....." My dad tried to talk for me.

"Well, it happened. And what can we do now?" My mom said in an angry tone.

After a long discussion at the academy, I was suspended from the school for a week. Suspended huh, or maybe it's French for holiday?

Now that I am on holiday, I can get out from that place and enjoy my time here. Hmm... Maybe I can take this opportunity and try to ask Aurora out.

I lied down on my bed, and continue my daydreaming. Unfortunately, my parents wouldn't let me.

"So, what do you want to do while being suspended? Play your games whole day?"

"Like I have a choice."

"How dare you talk back to me? I am your mother! No wonder Mr Kyorge is so angry at yo-"

My mom was about to continue scolding me, but luckily dad help me. Thank Arceus for that.

"Why not we let Leon rest and let him do some revisions first... Meanwhile we can watch your Korean drama."

Dad quickly said and gave me signal to do some revisions. There isn't a rush for me to do it though. If I am not mistaken, mom will watch the Korean drama for at least four hours.

I kept thinking about my master plan, yet none came into my mind. Going out with Aurora alone is too awkward. If I go with Liam and Amy, it will be hard to find an opportunity.

It's hard to keep thinking like this. Why not take a nap first, and I will think about this later. After all, I have one week's time.

And before I know, I was snoring loudly while dreaming about Aurora.

~Time Skip~

I woke up, and it's midnight. The stars and moon took over the night sky, and the Pokemons were sound asleep.

I went to check my phone in case of messages, and saw a plate of food on my table. There was a note beside it, through the handwriting it's obvious that this note was written by my mom.

Still sleeping? Time to wake up though. It's no use by inviting me watching my drama series, you still need to do your revisions.

I cooked dinner for us, but you are still sleeping. Put it in the microwave before eating it. The food must be cold by now.


Never thought that she cared about me so much... I heathen it up by using the microwaves, and the food is not bad.

I checked my messages while eating, and I was shocked. There is a ton of messages! Guess I missed out a lot while I slept.

BFG (Best Friends Group)

Hey Leon, it's our school holiday this weekend. Amy, Aurora and I are planning to go to Alto Mare, wanna join us? (Liam)

This message was deleted. (Aurora)

What do you mean don't invite him? You are the one that asked him to come. (Amy)

This message was deleted. (Aurora)

No need to be shy......😂 You know that you want him to come....😂 (Liam)

Anyway, you wanna come Leon? (Amy)

I thought about it for a moment. This could be a good opportunity, and even if I can't find any, I could hang out with them.

Ok, sure. When will we go?

~Time Skip~

It's dawn, and my parents woke up. They came into the kitchen, and what lies in front of them surely surprised them.

Two fried eggs, with some berries were on the table. With the smell of toast all over the house, it brought up their appetite in an instant.

But what surprised them more, is me wearing an apron while serving the food. Yes, me wearing an embarrassing apron preparing the food.

"Wh- what is going on?"

"Good morning mom and dad. I made breakfast." I greeted them with a warming smile.

"Breakfast? You don't even know how to fry an egg!"

"You really think I am that dont-even-know-anything kid?" I sighed.

"No... It's just that all this is really, surprising." Dad explained.

"Anyway, try it. I am not really sure if it's good. This is my first try, so don't put your hopes too high." I chuckled.

They say down on the chair, and tried the egg with the toast. However, after one mouth their eye were wide open.

"How is it?" I asked.

There was pin drop silence until my parents finished their food. Only then they replied me, and it made me surprised.

"It's delicious."

I hesitated, and went to try one myself. And what they said isn't a lie, the toast is simply delicious.

I gobble it up, and went to take another one. My parents too followed me, and within seconds the house is full of laughter while the food is all gone.

"Um.... Mom, dad? Is it ok if I go on a trip to Alto Mare with Liam and the others tomorrow?"

"Sure." They said without a single thought.

"Wait, what?"

In case if it wasn't enough, I am really shocked by their agreement. Normally, they will need a long time to think, and the answer is no.

"You are going to Alto Mare, son." My dad said.

"On two condition. You need to write an composition about your trip when you get back.

And, you must behave well in your school." Mom said, and of course I agree.

This little request is worth it to hang out with my best friends, and maybe my crush.


"Brother, are you sure we should do this?"

"Yes. That's the only way we can get them know their true identity. The humans are going to invade their universe soon, and we must get them prepared."

"But why not we just destroy them at once? That will be much more easier."

"No! We musn't! There are still some innocent human, and if we go Giratina will spot us easily. However, the duo will be hard to spot. That's why they are most suitable for this mission."

"Alright then. As you wish brother."

Notifications of 31st of August 2020

Hmm, so who are the one that are talking? But, I think you guys have a guess already.

Anyway, remember to vote for this chapter. And I am writing a new story called Identity Revealed. Please check it out and vote for it.

Thanks! :)

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