01 | Change Of Plans

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I woke up, by a noisy sound. The sunlight shined brightly and hurt my eyes even do I only open a little bit of my eyes.

I tried to pick up whatever the sound is coming from and threw it as far as I could.

I continued sleeping while hugging something in my arms. Oh, how I wished I can just get out of this world and just stay in a long slumber.......

'Ahhh... Wouldn't that be nice.' I thought. However, it would never happened, because I am stuck at this world, and I can't let it go.

~Time Skip~

"Latios? Latios! Where are you?"

"I told you to watch him, and what did you do?"

Every single time..... Why can't they just let me do whatever I want? I need my space, they don't even know what I been through!

"I am sorry! The football game is starting an-"

"Oh, it's Latios!"

"My son...."

I heard footsteps, and its coming nearer and nearer. Oh, it's my pa-

"How dare you just leave your parents like that! Do you know how long we have been looking for you? And guess what, you been sleeping here all night in your dirty shirt!" My mom said with an angry tone.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my father and mother there. Mom, as always put on an angry face, scolding me even do she knew I wouldn't care much about what she is saying.

Dad on the other side is showing a sad face and feeling guilty. Sometimes I feel that they should change. You know, mom is dad and dad is mom.

I looked around and remembered what happened. Mom grounded me for playing too much games and went to the salon.

Dad was in charge of taking care of me but he went to watch the sports channel instead. So clearly I couldn't stay here and went to the basketball court.

Well, looks like I dozed off. I picked up my ball and my phone that was in a corner. Luckily it didn't cracked or anything.

Me and my parents went back home while mom is still scolding me.

"You must understand that this lifestyle is not good for you. And now I am scolding you is for your own good! Are you listening to me?"

"Yes..." I answered her.

After a long bath, I took my bag and went off to school. I am in the afternoon period so I am not that late.

"I am off to school!" I told my parents so that they wouldn't come and find me like just now.

The school is as noisy as always, students chattering here and there. But before I can go to my class, someone blocked my way.

That someone is very "close to me", and we meet each other five times a week. Such good bond isn't it?

No, it's not.

What stands in front of me is an old man, long beard and just like my mother, an angry face.

Groudon. Oh Mr Groudon, what a good old enemy. I went to his office and sat down. We stared each other with cold eyes, making me want to wear a jacket.

"Young man, do you have an aim in your life?" Groudon asked.


"Than why are here?"

"Because my parents want me to."

"Than why does your parents wang you here?"

"I don't know. You can ask them." I replied with a calm voice.

However, after a long experience Groudon too know how this would end and gave up eventually.

"Look, you are a good student when you are in secondary school. But ever since you are here, you became a bad students."

"Since when?"

"Since the time you threw an apple at Kyorge, since the time you bullied Entei, since the time you flunk all your test, sinc-"

"Ok ok enough!" I said. This guy can go on forever.

"Look, we can't afford to handle students like you, so we planned to changed schools for you."

"What?" I asked him with an astonished look. Not to say that I am excited but I feel boring here.

"You will go to Legends Academy. It's only for legendary Pokemon and for some reason they agreed. Tomorrow morning, six o'clock, meet me here, I will bring you there."


Wow! I can't believe it, I am going to Legends Academy. I went home and after explained everything to my parents I went to search for that school.

It's a fifteen minutes walk from here, and..... Oh my God, the chairman is Dialga!

I can almost shout so loud until the world will shake. But with my mom and dad around, it's not possible. Sometimes they are a little.... Overprotective.

I scroll down and saw the types of Pokemon that they will let to join.

Must have good manners. Good at grades and sports. Respect each other and no detentions must be seen. Only legendaries and S class pokemon allowed.

Belows are some examples: Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Jirachi, Vitinchi, Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyuren, Latios, Latias.......

I stopped when the word Latias was seen. The six alphabet that scares me most.


I took my phone, and went to "pictures". I scroll down, and down, and down until I saw that picture.

It was tooken two years ago, when I graduate from secondary school. On the left was me, a strong brilliant smart pokemon that was full of light.

On the right was another pokemon. It is red and white, shape is almost like me. At it's chest is a blue triangular but white in the middle.


I remembered the memories I have with her. It was quite good at first, but slowly it became much worse.

I closed my eyes, and went to sleep. I don't want to think anything about it. I rather do my homeworks, run a hundred errands, anything but this.

But, I can't. I just can stop thinking.... About her.

7th of July 2020

Hey guys. I made a few rearrangement with the chapters. Please vote and follow my account. And I have updated three chapters this week so it should entertain you guys for a while.

Keep it up guys, peace!

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