03 | Not Soulmate, Is Friend

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Since it's the last year we are together we decided to go on a camping trip. We went into the bus and prepared for the journey.

When a bus is full of teenagers, it is as loud as Dialga's Roar. All of them were chattering while some were playing. I was thinking to sit with Suicune but as always I can't.

Latios keep asked me to sit with him, even do I don't want but I still can't reject him. Look, it's not that I like him or what but we are best friends ok?

I keep tell that to my friends but still they think that me and Latios are a couple. It's really embarrassing, and Latios doesn't denied it, but keep agree with them. So that just makes it much more worse!

I guess I need to tell him the truth, because I don't think I can take it anymore.

~Time Skip~

After a long time we took a pit stop. It's a long way, and I need to pee real bad. Luckily, Latios won't accompany to the bathroom or else I will be crazy!

Just now in the bus he just said to all of his friends that we are together, and now all of his friends know, even Zapdos!

Latios won the competition a few days back and Zapdos fainted. But they became friends anyway, and Latios is now in the 5th strongest in our school.

However that just won't change his attitude. I went into one of the stalls and rested my mind for a while.

But for some reason I just can't. I heard some of the girls outside talking while repairing their make up.

"OMG, did you guys heard what Latios just said in the bus?" One of the girls said.

"I am at the second bus, but I heard everything!"

"Yea, he just confessed that he is Latias boyfriend."

"I mean, who does that?"

"Ugh, it must be hell to be Latias."

"I know right? By the way, what is so nice about her?"

"Yea, she is just a random nerd!"

After what they said, I can't take it anymore. I just ran out from there, leaving those girls at the bathroom with surprised looks.

Being said by a whole lot of people whole day, said that I am Latios Girlfriend? This..... This is nothing but a tsunami of lies!

Enough is enough, I am going to tell him tonight!

~Latios's~Time Skip~

We reached the camp a while ago and started to prepare our stuff. Some of them were cleaning their cabin, some were getting berries, while me and Latias went to get firewoods.

But Latias keep dodging me the whole time, like the time when I wanted to give her my jacket as it is raining outside.

But she just shook her head and went to seat with Suicune. I just thought she wanted to have some alone time or privacy.

However, when we made the second pit stop she looks kind of thirsty. I thought of buying her a drink. She rejected but I keep insist. And that's when she shouted at me.

I didn't remember what she said as I was surprised that she would shout at me. We quarreled a few times before of course, but she didn't shout as loud as this one.

It was kind of awkward as no one was talking. I decided to broke the silence by giving a hand.

"Let me help you with the firewoods, it looks heavy." Latios said while trying to help Latias.

"No thanks... I can carry it myself."

But I guess I didn't learn from the last time. I still insist of helping, and it just make her more angry. She shouted back at me, but much more lower than before.

"What happened Latias? I just wanted to help."

"Look.... I don't need your help ok? Just, just come to my cabin tonight."

I haven't had the time to digest what she said and Latias just ran away. After a while when Latias was long gone.



Seriously, I don't know what is going on with her.Is it puberty? Or is it some family problem? I tried to think what could make her so angry, but nothing came into my mind.

I decided to take a bath before go to her cabin. My mom said that I am starting to smell bad too. Maybe I am the one going through puberty.

When I finally get ready, I went to her cabin. Just wished that she doesn't shout at me again.

Latias was talking with someone on the phone, and I sitted on a chair while waiting. Her cabin is clean I can say, there's just a few plush toy on her bed.

After she had done talking she gave me some water and started talking to me.

"So, who are you talking with just now?" Latios asked with a happy tone.

"My boyfriend."


"That's what I wanted to tell you today."

"Look, I am not your Soulmate or Girlfriend, I am you friend. Just friend."


That wasn't really what I was expecting. I know that we are not really a couple but I thought she liked me too.

I didn't went to the campfire like the others did. I am too sad for all this, I was just told that I am not liked by the person I thought was my soulmate. Yes, I know it's just a small matter, but the real problem is..... Well, it's just right outside.

At a seat beside Latias, suppose to be where I should seat. But what replaced me was a yellow and black coloured pokemon, wings like lighting.


The new friend that I just made, "betrayed"me a second after that. I don't dare to look outside there, seeing what they are doing. Whether they are hugging, or singing together.

I packed my shirt and belongings, and put them in my bag. I didn't care about anything else and just fly through the roof.

After this day, is the end of my life. I have no aim in this life, and will never accomplished anything.

~Flashback End~

Hi guys. I just wanted to mention blencxcem here. She teached me how to write better and I think I can improve. If you guys have anything to say just comment it here.

By the way, I also reaaranged the chapters so now this is the Third Chapter. I added the First Chapter in the front so you guys should check it out.

That's all for now. Don't forget to vote and follow my account! :)

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