02 | Graduation

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Looking at all of you brings back many memories. Of course there are both good and bad.

Today is our last day together, and I hope we can spend this day with harmony. Forgot about the vengeance you have with your friends, as tomorrow we won't see each other again. Thank you.

After the Principle gives his speech, all of us clapped loudly. Some of the students even hugged each other, and enemies now became friends.

Six years I had studied in this school. I made a lot of friends of course, and my grades are getting much more better.

I even met my soul mate, but some just said that I am over reacting. I had a fun time with Latias, my best friend. She may be a girl and put me in her friend zone, but I don't.

I treat her like my girlfriend, not even care about what other people says. She is good at studies, so it's another benefit for me as I can improve my grades.

Thank you Mr Ho-oh for that wonderful speech. I think that all of our students agree to that.

Now, we have our award ceremony. All of our best students will be given an award of their own choice.

There is all type of awards like the Best Sports Award, the Best Grade Award, the Most Contribution Award. Anything that you can think of, is right here.

Lucky for me, I got two. The Most Improved and The Most Popular Award. I thanked Latias for the Most Improved Award, if not I wouldn't get such good grades.

But for The Most Popular Award, I am not really happy about it. You see, half the reason I got it is because the way I treated Latias, which makes me "popular" I guess.

For the second is because I was chased by a ton of females. I gotta say I am kind of happy about it, but the others didn't.

Girls like me of course. I am good at sports, not bad at studies, and is quite a tough opponent when battling.

But the boys hated me. I even need to go to self defense classes so that I wouldn't get bullied! I must say that Secondary School is kind of hard too.

After the ceremony is a free for all. All of us signed at one another shirts for rememberence. All of us talked happily.

I also battled with some of the students. It was kind of easy for some of them, but I am kind of surprised when Zapdos asked me to battle with him.


I was talking with Moltres and Articuno, about how strong is Lugia. We have been trying to beat Mr Lugia, but he is.... Undefeatable.

Just then, a loud blow distracted me. I saw Latios just defeated a Dragonite.

'Hmm.... Impressive.'

Dragonite is almost the same level as us legendary, so it's not bad if you can defeat it.

I saw the time is 1:30 p.m. , looks like there is still enough time for some exercises.

~Time Skip~

Well, looks like Latios is kind of surprise when I asked him to battle.

I get it. I am one of the top five strongest in this school, and I am used to it with people looking at me all the time.

However, Latios doesn't hesitate for a single moment and directly agreed. Now, that is a good spirit.

We went to the battlefield and asked one of the Pokemon to become the referee.

This is a one vs one battle. No cheating will be allowed in this battle. And the first Pokemon to faint will lose. Competitors ready? Start!

I wasn't going to give any chance and directly use Drill Peck. However, Latios speed isn't anything to joke about.

He dodged the Drill Peck in the nick of time and luckily I stopped in time or else I will hit the wall.

Latios didn't attacked me but used Dragon Dance twice instead. And that kind of thing just keep continue.

After a while of attacking, I still can't hit him. I was tired. I took a break while flying aro-

Wait. Where is Latios? I looked around but I can't find him anywhere. Just then I heard someone shouted at me. But before I was able to see what was happening, I was attacked.

Looks like one of the audience tried to warn me of Latios that was using Luster Purge from above. Latios's signature move was really strong and took out a quarter of my health.

"Well well well, looks who finally decided to show up." Zapdos said.

"Oh I showed up a long time ago.... But you just didn't noticed."

He attacked me with Giga Impact from behind and he continues to sneak on me.

I managed to attacked him a few times but I am in a bad situation. On the big screen I can see that I have one quarter left of health while Latios had a plenty of it.

I think I am going to lose.....


Wow! I can't believed. I think I can defeat him. However, his move is much more stronger than mine. I need to dodged it real quick.

Just in case I used light screen as a protection. As the old one says, prevention is better than cure.

Both of us flied high, and looked at each other cautiously. We don't know when we will attacked.

"You are quite strong I say."

"Thanks. And I am not going to give it up." Latios uttered

"Drill Peck!"

"Luster Purge!"

~Third Person's~

The two competitors clashed into each other and created a big explosion. The school down above can't see where they are, and was worried.

Just right than, two things called down from the sky. It was going a hundred miles per second, and it landed badly on the battlefield.

Slowly, they stood up. Both of them still survived after taking a big damaged. All of the audience were awed to see such strong Pokemon!

They clapped loudly, and cheered for the both of them. However, one of them was quite disappointing.

He felled down to the floor with eyes closed. Some of the audience took him to the school hospital.

As such, the winner of this battle is none other than......

Hey guys, a cliffhanger here. So, how do you guys like this story? Was it good or bad? Please don't give up on my story, and continue support me by reading and vote for my story.

I will update next weekend. Until than, Karuko out!

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