11 | If I Kiss You One More Time...

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We kissed.

As we fell on the floor, our lips get closer, and made a contact. This is the first time in years since I kissed someone, and I was shocked till my whole body can't move.

My lips felt some heat from the contact, while our eyes were wide open.

The Pokemon around us too stayed silent as it is an awkward moment. No one spoke a single word, and just looked at us, or should I say, stared at us.

After a moment, we came back to our senses. We quickly break the kiss and stood up. Aurora used her hands to wipe her lips, trying to "throw" away the kiss.

"Sorry Aurora...... I am really so-" I tried to apologize, but that's when I realize that she already ran away at full speed.

"Aurora! Where did you go?"

I ran to the exit and look around. There is no sight of any pokemon around, just some taxies, trains, bus......

Wait. Taxies, trains and buses...... They are all public transportation, which means Aurora could be in one of them.

I went to the taxi stop which is where the taxies pick up or drop off the passengers. I showed Aurora's picture to them and asked if they had saw her. However, the only answers I got was,


"Sorry dude. Better luck next time."

"Don't disturb me."

"Get out of the way!"

I looked around one more time and decided to go to the bus stop. Luckily, there were only three of them.

The first one is for disable pokemon such as elderlies. So Aurora wouldn't be there.

The second one is packed. I looked through the mirror, but there was a kid that was really annoying and kept block my sight.

After a while, I managed to get a look in there. But tough luck, she isn't in there, and no one saw her too.

So, I ran to the third one. But just when I turned my head, it already started the engine and went away.

I ran towards it in high speed, but the one who made this bus isn't helping me at all, because this bus is much more faster than it supposed to be.

"Hey! Stop!" I shouted.

But it was no use. This time, I was at the side of the bus, and through the mirror I saw the person that I was looking for.


"Stop right now! Stop in the name of Leon!" I said what came first into my mind, even do no one heard it.

I used quick attack to increase my speed, and I managed to go in front of it. Thank Arceus the driver is alert, or I will be dead meat by now. Literally.

I just put on an excuse and said that I wanted to get on the bus. The driver wasn't too happy about this, and I heard him grumble.

"You could just get on another bus."

I just ignored it and went to the seat beside Aurora. She was surprised to saw me, right before her cheek went red.

"Why are you here?"

"I am sorry Aurora. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Just...... Leave me alone."

"Nope. I am not going to leave till you apologized me."

She just rolled her eyes and looked at the window outside. Cars passed by, motorbikes honking, what a noisy city.


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