06 | This Isn't Going Well.....

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"When you come to this school, you must be discipline!"

"But Sir, I wasn't figh-"

"Don't give me any excuses Leon. The rule is the rule. You will be expelled immediately!"

I was shocked to hear that. Leon was just brought in here with some bullies just now. I was curious and tried to hear what they are saying. But right now, he is.... Expelled?

No. No, this can't be happening. He can't leave here, I still didn't had the time to know him. I don't even know what he likes, where he stays.

Umm.... What can I do? Maybe I can put the blame on me. But I don't even know what happened.

I don't know what to do. But as if my body doesn't listen to my mind, it just opened the door and went into the room.

They were surprised to see me. The Dragonites opened their eyes so big that it looks like it's going to pop out.

Leon was at there, trying to give me signal to go out from there. However Rayquaza just put on a stern face, giving me cold looks.

"Is there any problem Amy?" He asked."

"Ummm...." I hesitated. I didn't know what to do, what to say.

"Actually, it-"

"Sir, it's not Leon fault. It's mine."

~Aurora's~Few Minutes Before~

When I came back, I saw Rayquaza there. Let me just get this straight. Rayquaza is nothing to joke about, he is as strong as the combination of Lugia and Ho-oh.

I was scared but still full with curiosity. I stood behind a wall and try to hear what they are saying. But either that are whispering, or is my ear had some problems.

They went to Rayqyaza's room after they talked, but I can see that they are not in a happy mood. I don't know what was really happening, but I had a guess. And if it's true, than I am fully responsible for it.

I followed them back, of course being very cautious. I was almost seen a few times but still wasn't found.

On the way I saw Amy started following them too. I didn't went to ask her the reason, maybe just like me , curious.

I kept myself invisible because I been feeling a lot of Pokemon had been looking at me too. When I was finally there, I stood at the door and tried to listen like before.

However, all I can listen was,

"What..... Thinking?"

"Bully..... Papers...."

"Lies..... Opposite..."

Even with all those words I couldn't make any sentence, needless to say understand what they are saying.

I thought of sneaking inside, bit before I can do anything, Amy, that was standing there too went in.

Surprised, yes. Luckily for me, I can now go inside the room and listen what they were talking about. Invisible of course.

But when I heard that Leon is going to get expelled, my heartbeat stopped. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I was responsible for the doing but Leon ended up with the consequences.

I didn't cared much and spoke up directly. I must take the responsibility for my own doing.


"Come on, just tell me who you like?" Amy asked.

I didn't said anything and just continue eating my salad. I wish that I can get away from here but it will be weird for me to do it.

I.......... I like Liam. But if he said that he doesn't like me but someone else, then it would hurt my heart really bad.

I didn't wish for him to like me back, I just wanted to continue liked him, not having him knowing and not knowing who he liked.

I tried giving signal to Amy to stop asking, but she just ignored it. I quickly ate my salad and walk away. Finally, some peace and quiet.

I went around the academy to get some fresh air and rest. Still, there would be someone looking at me, pointing at me. But I didn't care a single bit.

I looked at the time and decided to go back to class. But when I made a right turn, somebody used a cloth to cover my mouth and pulled me away. I tried to struggle but there are more than one holding me.

"Lat.... M... gwa! Hep!" I tried to called for help but there isn't anyone around. This place looks like the Old Wing, where the Academy left it and build the New Wing.

After a few moments, I was finally let free. I looked and saw Three Strong Dragonites. They are known bullies in this school but the teachers can't take them out as their parents is powerful.

Not strong like demolish buildings, destroy everything, but they are one of the mayors of the city.

I tried to run away by camouflage myself but still I can't.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Look Aurora, two choices. You can choose one." The leader said to me.

"First, give me your project. I need it to pass this exam, or I won't get my own mansion."

"What? No way! That is cheatin-" I was about to reject when he put his hands at the wall behind me.

I had no where else to go and in front of me is a strong bunch of bullies.

"Two, be my girlfriend. Choose one, or I will make you."

I was shocked. My heart stopped and my whole body freezed. I don't know what to say or react, and he is getting closer to me.

Just when I was about to give up and give them the project, a strong purple light hitted that Dragonite.

I looked and saw Leon. He quickly went in front of me, showing a sign of

"Don't you dare come near her, or you will face me."

"Thanks......" I whispered to Leon. My faced blushed red for some reason. I used my hands to covered it and ran away quickly first.

I could hear them fighting but I was too scared to see. I was on my way to my class when I stopped and hesitated.

What if Leon get hurt. What if he got in trouble.... I thought for a while and decided to go back.

It's a long time since that incident. And I can't let it stop me from being brave anymore.


I went back to the place where I was "kidnapped" by the Dragonites. But I didn't saw them alone.

The Sky High Pokemon, Rayquaza. He is there.

~Back to Reality~

"And that is what really happens. So Sir, Leon is just trying to help. Those Dragonites are the real bullies that should be expelled."

Rayquaza didn't answered me immediately. He hesitated, than said

"I can't decide now. I need to discuss with the others. Meanwhile, all of you please get back to your classes. And don't make any trouble."

The bullies stood up and went away. Before they leave they gave me an eye contact to threaten me. But with just one look from Leon they ran away.

I looked at Leon with grateful eyes. I don't know what happened to me. As if my mind and body isn't one.

I went up straight and hugged Leon. He was surprised, but not as surprised as me.

I thanked him before running away and get back to class. Leaving to people back there, both with different looks.

Like it? I think it's pretty good. I will update this weekend together with "The Battle of Gods." Remember to vote for my story and follow my account. Bye!

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