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Today is a lovely morning for our sweetheart Luo Fusheng . He had already woke up long time ago almost at 6 am .

Now he is in his gym room doing his daily morning exercises to maintain his body ' s good shape . Though Luo Fusheng is only a 17 years old high school boy still he does his morning exercises and gym daily to maintain his good body shape . And already he is successful in doing this . At only 17 years old age he looks like a handsome boy with right amount of muscles in his body and cherry on the top he has a killer smile and good heart .

Luo Fusheng took a weight lifting bar and and started to lifting up and down to build the muscles on his forearm and to work on his biceps and triceps . After weight lifting for almost half an hour , Luo Fusheng went near the tread mill . He then started to running on the tread mill first slowly then at fast speed for another half an hour . Luo Fusheng was looking like an shining diamond while doing his daily exercises under the sunlight falling on him coming from the window .

Now Luo Fusheng was fully drenched in his sweat for doing exercises for half an hour . He then sat on the gym floor and started to drinking the water from his water bottle and he was looking hot as hell while drinking the water .

Luo Fusheng then took his towel from his gym bag and started to wiping the sweat away from his body . Luo Fusheng then returned to his room and took his bath robe . And then Luo Fusheng went to the bathroom .

Luo Fusheng quickly took his shower and brushed his teeth and came out from the bathroom wearing his bath robe and returned back to his room . I mean shared room . He shared his room with his cousin Shen Wei , who was still sleeping like a log at 8 am in the morning and their school will start at 9 am in the morning . But who cares . They are the son's from richy rich families .... surname ..... Shen and Luo .....

Luo Fusheng then started to wearing his school uniform and putting his books as per school schedule in his school bag . Then Luo Fusheng went near his cousin Shen Wei and said ..... " Wei , wake up .... wake up or you will be late for the classes . It is already 8 : 30 am and our school will start at 9 am . "

Shen Wei slowly started to waking up and then Shen Wei rubbed his eyes and slowly opened his doer eyes and said .... " My Fusheng when did I ever be late for our classes ? Don't you think it is my speciality to wake up at 8 : 45 am and still reached at our class at 8 : 59 am and attend our classes . " And then Shen Wei pulled his cousin Luo Fusheng by his hands and again fell asleep kissing on his cousin Luo Fusheng ' s both of the cheeks .

Luo Fusheng sighed and said .... " Oh God ! Nothing can make my lazy cousin more cheerful . "

Luo Fusheng then said to sleeping Shen Wei ..... " Wei , now I am going to the classroom . You can come whenever you want too . But just remember one thing . Before coming to the classroom , don't forget to close our hostel room . " And went towards his classroom .

Luo Fusheng thought .... " I don't know what have our teachers saw in Wei tha they made Wei as the class monitor and hostel head and made me as vice class monitor and vice - head of the hostel ? "

On seeing Luo Fusheng ' s behavior towards his cousin Shen Wei , one could think that Luo Fusheng has a jealousy feelings towards his cousin Shen Wei , then let you all know that Luo Fusheng don't . Rather Luo Fusheng and Shen Wei more like a best friend than cousin . They loved every little thing about themselves and loved each other wholeheartedly . One can't tolerate each other ' s insult by any outsiders .

All the girls started to shouting on seeing Luo Fusheng coming inside the house and started to asking Luo Fusheng .... " Angel , can we sit with you for the class . "

Luo Fusheng just smiled at them and said .... " Sorry , but Shen Wei will sit with me . " Though the girls felt sad to not to got the chance to sit with their angel Luo Fusheng . Still they were happy as Luo Fusheng smiled at their direction .

At Yunlan's house ,

Zhao Yunlan looked at his Mom with mouth full of snacks and said .... " What happy ( good ) news has Dad have for me ? I can't wait for Dad to arrive and tell me about the happy ( good ) news .

After half an hour , Mr . Zhao Xinchi arrived at his house . He quickly went towards his Yunlan and said .... " Today I had talked with my Boss Mr . Da who is in USA about your studies . I had requested him to admit you in a best school for betterment of your studies . And he had accepted my request and said he will admit you to the school which his son Da Qing goes and he also said he will make arrangements for your hostel staying too . So you don't have to come and go to school to another city by the public transport on daily basis . Is not is a happy news ? You know what Yunlan ? Only rich boys and girls can study at those school . "


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Yunlan thought .... " It is really a happy news . Finally I will get rid of those annoying classmates in my current school . "

Yunlan then happily looked at his Dad and said .... " It is really a very happy news . I am promising you Dad , I will study hard and will become a most successful student in the whole school . I am just worried that .... Hope I can make friends with high standard boys and girls at that school .

Mr . Zhao Xinchi then pulled Yunlan into his embrace and said ... " You can son . "

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